Since graduating from Trent University in 1980 with a degree in Cultural Studies, Bill Kimball has been involved in many aspects of the Peterborough arts community, particularly in the areas of contemporary dance and theatre. He has contributed to the creation of live performance spaces in Peterborough, beginning with City Stage, a performance space operated by Artspace in the early 1980's and continuing to the present with various renovations and improvements to the Market Hall. In 1994, Bill created a nationally recognized dance presenting program called Peterborough New Dance, and later expanded the mandate to theatre and other forms of performance while changing the name to Public Energy, a name which reflects his desire for the arts to be integrated into public life as much as possible. Bill is currently the Artistic Producer at Public Energy.\n\nOur interview with Bill covers the "Town and Gown" history of the arts, in particular the impact of Artspace, Peterborough New Dance, Public Energy, and the Electric City Culture Council.,Original location:…
Trent Voices Episode 26: Bill Kimball
Audio file
Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald
Interviewee (ive): Kimball, Bill
Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association
Date Issued
Sound Recording (27 min., 25 sec.)
Member of
Trent University Alumni Association