Trent Voices: Don Tapscott and Blockchain Revolution

Audio file

Trent University Chancellor Dr. Don Tapscott's latest book has just been published by Penguin Random House. BLOCKCHAIN REVOLUTION: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin is Changing Money, Business, and the World is co-authored by his son Alex Tapscott.\n\nIt is the first book to explain why blockchain technology – a truly open, distributed, global platform – will fundamentally change what we can achieve online, how we do it,and who can participate.\n\nIt is a fascinating follow-up to several groundbreaking works in which Dr. Tapscott explores the economic and social impact of technology, including Macrowikinomics; New Solutions for a Connected Planet (2010); the bestseller Paradigm Shift (1992); and Radical Openness: Four Unexpected Principles for Success (2013). His book Wikinomics was the best selling management book in the United States in 2007. In 2014, the 20th Anniversary Edition of Dr. Tapscott's hit The Digital Economy was released with a new foreword by Eric Schmidt, Chairman of Google, and 12 new essays addressing the original topics of the book.\n\n#TrentVoices sat down with Tapscott at the Rotman Centre School of Management at the University of Toronto for a special interview that focused on Blockchain Revolution, the bisecting futures of technology and the global economy, as well as on his ongoing relationship with Trent University.\n\nDr. Tapscott is one of the world's leading authorities on innovation, media, and the economic and social impact of technology and advises business and government leaders around the world. He is an Adjunct Professor of Management at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, and the inaugural Fellow at the Martin Prosperity Institute. In2013,he was appointed Chancellor of Trent University. This month, his position of Chancellor was renewed for a further 3 years.

    Item Description
    Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald
    Interviewee (ive): Tapscott, Don
    Date Issued
    Sound Recording (39 min., 29 sec.)
    Member of
    Trent University Alumni Association