Item Description
Union To Vote Thursday: OMC Breakthrough / K. Inwood -- Election / J. Barber -- Strike Loss -- Curlers Rock On / W. Willis -- And a Good Time Was Had Every 14 Minutes -- Women Paid Less -- UFO at Dayton Story is Exposed as Disgusting Hoax Propagated by CBC News -- An Illustrated Lecture By: Earl J. Neff "UFO's Though the Ages" [Advertisement] -- Black Tower [Advertisement] -- Union Label [Advertisement] -- Tampax [Advertisement] -- Hippolytos: As Compelling As Ever / T. Gale -- What Does it Take For a Man to Get By? -- Proposed Changes in Labour Legislation -- A Case to be Considered: Labour and the Law -- Anti-Strike Injunctions -- TSU Executive Election Speeches / I. Chomyn -- Study Hazards Children's Health -- After Four / F. Flounder -- God -- Oktoberbust -- The Easter Gallery [Advertisement] -- Puerile Pilferings -- Peterboro Jewellers [Advertisement] -- Spencley's Flowers [Advertisement] -- Mrs. Submarine [Advertisement] -- Bradstreet at Commoner -- Birks Jewellers [Advertisement] -- Theatrent Exposition / M. Harrison / D. Reid / T. Marin / A. Heaps -- Sweet Words From Arthur -- Ever Onward -- Dancing Diving & Riding -- Armaments Made in Guelph -- OFS Referendum - What's in it For You? / L.A. Meloche -- Mini-Spiel -- International Curios [Advertisement] -- Jeff Purvery's Seafood Restaurant [Advertisement] -- The Book Store [Advertisement] -- The Old Way Bakery [Advertisement] -- Roland's Delicatessen and Meats [Advertisement] -- The Malevolent Missive for Dear John McKeown / K. Rodd / L.A. Meloche -- Mr.. Submarine [Advertisement] -- Riviera Restaurant [Advertisement] -- Bovril Strikes Back -- Sex Sex Sex Sex / R. Manley -- The Way We Were: Weekend at L.E.C. [Advertisement] -- An Invitation to Review -- Students to Write News Reports are Wanted at Arthur [Advertisement] -- Trent Travel [Advertisement] -- Trent University Bookstore [Advertisement] -- Election to Determine the Trent Student Union Executive --