Item Description
Arthur is 30! -- Update from the Ta'ata Maohi of The French-occupied Polynesia / Pamela Meidell -- From all walks of life / Nicole Ysabet-Scott -- Legal and scare ends: government gives in to pressure from the law society / Dave Tough -- Autonomous club night and the student space coalition / Jen Metcalfe -- Subterranean strife: Why OPIRG needs a new space / Jillian Ritchie -- CASA and CFS don't see eye to eye on anything / Samer Muscati -- Women unite! Take back the night! / Sarah Knox -- Women unite, take back the night [art] / Charlene Warman -- Background information -- Queer Banter -- Why be visible? / david Newhouse -- Separate classes set up for black and gay students / Dario P. Del Degan -- Ontario government plants to exploit Temagami... Again / Jeff Blundell -- Canadian authorities continue to pursue the path of confrontations with First Nations / Arm The Spirit -- Black nationalist organizations hold historic summit / Crossroad support network -- Update on Mumia Abu-Jamal: Judge Sabo Denies a new trial / Int'l concerned friends and family of Mumia Abu-Jamal -- Riots against French colonialism in Tahiti -- Peterborough Green-Up's Ecology Park / Tyler Curtis -- Folk under the clock returns with Vin Garbutt / Ben Wolfe -- White Power KKKulture: The racist rock scene / Laura Metcalfe -- The only good facist is a dead one [art] -- Resistance by any means: Organizing on the internet / Jason Wehlin -- Free food: Free life / Giles Grierson -- Literacy for a change / Sarah D'angelo -- Nature works [advertisement] -- the ultimate step in aerobics [advertisement] -- Dear misguided socialists: [letters] / J. Paul Jacula -- No particular time or season [letters] / Glen Smith -- Marijuana and the law [letters] / Micheal Poole -- ACT FOR on tour??? [letters] / Sheryl Shore -- Searching for community in the Academic Bubble [letters] / Johnathan Francis -- SAGIScopes -- Off with her head! / Tariq Hassan-Gordon -- It won't go away but nothing day [advertisement] -- announcements -- unclassifieds -- Calendar of events