Item Description
New Grants Formula - Trent Okay -- Leslie Frost Elected First Trent Chancellor -- Blishen Gets Canada Council Grant -- Trent Spring Lectures: Bagnani's "Gobbling Up The Past"; Shakespeare: Tony, Cleo and Others -- Blishen Gets Canada Council Grant -- Immunity of College Students Questioned -- Frost Chancellor (Cont) -- Editorial Page / S. Stohn / G. Weeks / D. Corkett / G. O'Brian / O/ Neilson -- Dear Arthur -- Eskimo Sculpture: $, Culture, Art -- Is God? -- Twenty Bosoms Boycotted -- Sports / P. Maxymuik -- Trent Ends Season With Hockey Basketball Wins -- Bob Wylie, Scoring Champ -- Lady Wilson Award -- Rhodesia: Force Only Solution -- Ontario Union of Students Formed Here, Peterborough (Arthur- CUP) -- Stewart Speaks Here: No Student Reps on University Affairs Committee, Aid Program Improved -- Coast to Coast -- Lamarsh Invited Draft Dodgers to Canada, Philadelphia (CUP) -- Tight Squeeze Predicted for UEC, Vancouver (CUP) -- New Library Scheduled For U Of T, Toronto (CUP) -- Student Demonstration "Kills Two Birds With One Stone", Waterloo (CUP) -- Faulner Opposes U Of T Referendum, Toronto (CUP) -- PRC Cabinet Nominations -- Seven Days Host at PRC -- Gay White In Hospital -- Stewart Speaks (Cont) -- To All the Typists -- UBC Arts Students Plan Experimental College -- Carmichael Urges Negroes to Unify -- Calendar of Events --