Item Description
Hangman Ready to Return / Carla Brown -- Opinion; Goodbye to Jung House / Flamer -- Trent Rings [Advertisement] -- Nepali Night A Tremendous Success / Sukitha Kunasegara -- Donning At Trent / Derek Teevan -- Movies 4 You [Advertisement] -- Ruffo's Esso [Advertisement] -- Arthur General Meeting -- Win Money! [Advertisement] -- Penultimate Arthur of '93 [Advertisement] -- Kaleidoscope [Advertisement] -- Letters; Trent's Human Right Policy Should Be Proactive / Anti-Racism Action Group , A Whopping Apology / David Simms & Jason Tan , Widening the Scope of Our Activism: Injustice at The Only / Jason Spensley & Phoebe Wong -- Mrs. Santa Visits Trent Radio / Wash Board Hank Fisher and Handsome Jeffrey Stewart, The Country Cousins , CFS-O Chairperson Congratulates Trent / Emechete Onuoha , Thank you / Katherine Richter , Just What Part of No Don't You Understand Mr Yaqran? / Jennifer Hiebert , Students Encouraged to Use Internet / Ken Brown , Ph D. Responds to Controversial Issue / F.M. Helleiner -- Books 'N Things [Advertisement] -- Computer Repairs [Advertisement] - Dexter's Pizza [Advertisement] -- Who's the Artist? / Toby Mueller -- December 6 Vigil addressing violence against women / Rebecca Richardson -- Queer Banter; Becoming Visable at Christmas / David Newhouse -- The Book Tree [Advertisement] -- Inuit Student Association formed at Trent / Karin Kettler -- An Experience in Travel / Liane Erickson and Angus Grant -- Human Rights in Cambodia / Amber Clement -- Sam the Record Man [Advertisement] --More Fencing Medals / Victor Newman -- Canadian Ski Marathon / Bruce Wurtele -- Trent Varsity Squash / Ted Ferguson -- Uniq Discoveries [Advertisement] -- Bioregionalism, Community, Technology, Voice and Power / Julie Rouse -- Unity Recording Artists Coming to Peterborough / Tony Benn -- Olivier, Olivier -- India Food House [Advertisement] --Kaos [Advertisement] --Traill News / Alison Mudge -- Otonabee College Update / Troy Hammond -- Kicking Some Buckaroo Butt / Anita Germundson -- A Five-Step Guide to Conducting your 1st Full Time Job Search Step 3 / Tracy J. Helm -- Chaplain College Update -- Comics Section [Comics] -- Who Asked You? / Sharon Clarke -- Announcements -- Classifieds -- Calendar of Events -- Tribal Voices [Advertisement] -- Trent University Bookstore [Advertisement]