Item Description
Trent Celebrates East Indian Culture / Sheryl Shore -- Jani Thakur [photo] -- The Commoner re-opens / Sheryl Shore -- Racism in the media workshop: a good beginning / Martha Chamberlain and Tami Albin -- Health plan news / Matthew Rausdssus -- Senate News / Damian Rogers -- T.S.U. Referenda Results -- Canadian customs out of control / Martha Chamberlain -- Academic skills centre this week [advertisement] -- Letters -- Naomi Wolf speaks in Toronto [letters] / Lyn Avedon -- Health services not Pro-Feminist [letters] / Eden Fieldstone -- thanks for returning my purse [letters] / D. Dawson -- End of the imaginary flow [letters] / Scott Dewson -- Violence exists in Peterborough -- Preston Manning: Canada's Hitler [letters] / Kevin Casey Grandizer -- More "Powers of Desire" dialogue / Julia Speers and Melissa Keith -- Disappearances & political killings / A. Duplantie -- Unity in diversity / Gina Mount -- Winterizing your home / Gaela Pink -- Year abroad in Nantes / Stacey Tighe and Eden Black -- Outdoors club goes howling in Algonquin -- No Frills / Kevin Smith -- The magic bus / Laurie Westaway -- LEC News / Anita Germundson -- Champlain College news -- The commoner's financial standing / Polly Henderson -- Bum Buster popular: Stair master hottest activity at Athletic Complex -- Womenspace -- Medusa's Garden -- Sleepless nights [comic] / A. Dyke -- Rethinking breakfast / Kevin Casey Grandizer -- Fishtales swimming back / Jennifer MacInnis -- More from the Red dog / Beth and Jen -- Bopha! -- A five step guide to conducting your job search / Tracey J. Helm -- Old Twain [comic] / Tavo -- The Trent, Chemistry Undergrad [comic] / Russell -- Chikon Danz [comic] / Toumbi -- Announcements -- Calendar of events -- Unclassifieds