Arthur: Volume 18, No. 06

    Item Description
    Date Issued
    Table Of Contents

    Millions say - "Refuse the Cruise!" / Ivan LeCouvie -- Woman harassed by professor / Sheila Nopper -- Trent's sessionals and T.A.'s: overworked and underpaid / Peter McLean -- South Africa launches new attack on blacks / Jake Berkowitz -- Calendar -- "I'm cheering for the Indians..." / Steve Jacob -- Colleges delay yearbook -- National student week -- 1948 [editorial] / Ivan LeCouvie -- Learning disabled [letters] / Annette Tromly -- Sexual repression? [letters] / Stephanie Benn -- King philosopher [letters] / John Macleod -- Await reply [letters] / Colin Sutherland -- Resist blind faith [letters] / Steve Shaver -- Near slander [letters] / Joanna Beattie -- [letter] / a victim -- TSU club funding announcement / Scott Sinclair -- Smug and Facetious [letters] / Kerry Badgley -- Oppose restraint [letters] / Ed Sawdon -- The Champlain Cup ... Is coming [advertisement] -- U.N. Disarmament Week October 24-31 -- Eastern Europe begins independent peace movement / Barb Bater -- The movement for an independent, war-free Pacific / Dinah Furbes -- Poet-in-residence to give reading and workshop -- Poetry -- Ian Young reading at the Hangman -- Ian Young [photo] -- P.R.C. Budget [advertisement] -- Ontario nuclear industry faces a dim future / Clifford Maynes -- Gay Banter -- When I grow up... / Garth Barriere -- Champlain starts a dynasty / Alan Barber -- Wheels, deals and magic buses / Betsy Trumpener -- Aunt Avril -- Aunt Avril is back in town -- Book Review -- Mailer's latest - complicated and lengthy / Margaret Spencer -- The Tao of New Physics / Catherine Jenkins -- unclassifieds -- Colloquium to focus on Cruise / Robert Hornung -- Art and Entertainment -- Sir Sanford succumbs to swinging shepherd / Ken Ramsden -- Hong Kong faces a dubious future / Chul Han (Sharon) Kwan

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