Item Description
Commission finally reports / Christopher John Halonen -- Special feature on unemployment in Peterborough See p.10 -- University-wide yearbook proposed for Trent / Mark Collins -- Media: Right wing paper stirs up McGill -- International Colloquium: Guns vs Butter / Robert Horning -- Attention: All sociology majors [advertisement] -- Big Brothers and Sisters: A rewarding experience / Peter McLean -- Letters -- OSAP monster [letters] / Rob Wipond -- I'm a fighting man [letters] / CM Phillips -- Very disappointed [letters] / Katrina Kilroy -- Sandino [letters] / Alan Herman -- Harvest Weekend [advertisement] -- New clear [letters] / Michael Heltshu -- Differential fees / Ed Sawdon -- True Identity [letters] / Pete Moss -- Come on "lads' [letters] / John MacLeod -- Free will [letters] / Magdaline T. Anderson -- TSU Election: Candidates speak out -- James Motluck [photo] -- Julie Newport [photo] -- women's commissioner: Manal Stamboulie -- Academic Commissioner: Alexi Brooks Joiner [photo] -- International Commissioner: Dani McArthur -- Why Canada needs a Green Party [opinion] / Adrian O'Connell -- Letters cont. -- Don't edit [letters] / Christos C. Anastassiades -- Advertising rates [advertisement] -- church leaders speak out -- Board of Governors meets -- External Affairs sends diplomat to Trent / Ivan LeCouvie -- March with Millions Oct 22 / Chris Halonen -- Peterborough suffers high unemployment with no end in sight -- Unemployment Assistance Centre -- who are the Learning Disabled -- Ad Hoc Committee for the learning Disabled [advertisement] -- B.C. cuts more student aid funds -- Captain Vegetable -- Captain Vegetable meets Bugs Bunny / Maggie Helwig -- A call to boycott Nestle / Katerina Kilroy -- Book review -- Christians in the Nicaraguan Revolution Margaret Randall New Star Books, pp. 207 / Sheila Nopper -- Gay Banter -- Who is that man with the upsweep / David Bateman -- OPIRG starts recycling drive / Jeff Hudson -- Poetry -- Art and Entertainment -- Paul Cram Trio: Jazz fusion / Holly McGinn -- History is made at the Pig's Ear / Ken Ramsden -- The Pig's Ear Tavern [photo] -- Record Reviews -- Easy Listening / Guy Madison -- Unclassifieds -- TISA plans active year -- Spain's Socialist Party survives first year / Alan Harman