Arthur: Volume 18, No. 03

    Item Description
    Date Issued
    Table Of Contents

    Computer costs one million dollars: University buys new computer -- The presidential review: Will Theall get a new contract? / Mark Collins -- "Freddie" Hagar holds the line at senate: Trent men's club holds first meeting of 1983-84 / Jeff Green -- Senate: Down to business / Mark Collins -- OPIRG Refund Policy [advertisement] -- The World Affairs Colloquium begins Friday / Robert Hornung -- Arthur offices vandalised -- Arthur Meeting -- No nukes not anti-American [letters] / Ed Sawdon -- Free Arthur! [letters] / C.M. Brown -- Red Scarel [letters] / Chris Marty Phips -- Abortion misunderstood [letters] / Dan Keon -- Pro-choice article wrong [letters] / Patricia L. Armstrong -- Bill 156 may watch you: Trent professors beware! -- Poetry -- Head of the Trent [photos] / Alex Thompson and Robb Demill -- Looking back, and ahead , at Artspace/ City Stage / Bill Kimball -- Applications for the Board of directors for the commoner [advertisement] -- The breakdown of logical thought / Maggie Helwig -- A conversation with the first cynic / Wayne Norman --Unclassifieds -- Captain Vegetable -- A feast of round foods / Maggie Helwig -- Womenkind -- Women must gain self-sufficiency / Sheila Nopper -- Gay Banter -- Name-Calling: A product of our society / Garth Barriere -- Trent University Music Society [advertisement] -- Beyond Happiness: A hilarious personal performance / Kenneth Steward Ramsden -- The Hangman hops / Ken Ramsden -- At the Jolly Hangman [advertisement] -- A short story by C.M. Jamieson: Amusement Park -- Calendar -- The Magpie [advertisement] -- Margaret Randall to speak in Peterborough: Managua bombed, as Contras escalate war / Stephen Elliot -- German students speak on peace movement / Emmanuel Kohn -- Trent Film Society Presents "Metropolis" [advertisement]

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