Arthur: Volume 18, No. 22

    Item Description
    Date Issued
    Table Of Contents

    Canadian Federation sent packing as students vote no -- Residence fees increase 6.4 per cent for 84-85 BOG welcomes new members / Jeff Green -- David Morrison named new Dean / Jeff Green -- Board approves space for North House -- Professors are overworked and the quality of education is deteriorating: Interdisciplinary programs hit hard by cutbacks / Ivan LeCouvie -- Riot police called as 70 protest new college rules -- ATTENTION! Native University Graduates [advertisement] -- Inspirational [letters] / Tom Eastland -- Nuclear fad [letters] / John Macleod -- Clean up Act [letters] / Bruce Bennett -- Correction [letters] / Lance Usher -- Pro-choice anti-life [letters] / Ed Sawdon -- Proud Friend [letters] / Janete, PRC -- Sour Gripes [letters] / George Ferzoco -- A thriller for feminists [letters] / Praise the lord [letters] / O.J.C. Spencer -- Mens liberation [letters] / Alan Harman -- University women's centre under attack -- Native women poor, victimized -- Womenkind -- Introduction to program / Paul Davidson -- Trent International -- Differential fees: where has all the concern gone? / Tom Haig -- Pay international fees here [comic] -- TIP funding: Are corporate sponsors a contradiction? / Patricia Armstrong -- TIP students pay a visit to Ottawa / Rachel Gray -- Other groups to play a role / Paul Davidson -- International colloquium is not just another lecture / Francois Lecaveller -- TIP and Peterborough / Celia Dyer -- Adjusting to Canada / M. Cecilia Villacis M. -- Dr. Suess' "Butter Battle" and the arms race / Peter McLean -- Gay Banter -- Reflections on the loss of adolescence / Garth Barriere -- Express heads to finals / Sao Romey -- Poetry -- Captain Vegetable -- Try some simple food for busy times / Maggie Helwig -- Unclassifieds -- "Reflextions" of art and technology / John Morton -- Loose change / Ken Ramsden and Holly McGinn -- The Trent University Fund for Excellence [advertisement] -- Bacchus [advertisement] -- Paul Cram fanatics swing to the sming / Ken Ramsden -- Guitarist at Hangman / Holly McGinn -- The Commoner draws students together / Geoff Tomlinson -- Helwig gives farewell reading / Maggie Helwig -- Right meets right: El Salvador national elections lack legitimacy / Stephanie Benn

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