Item Description
Mercury Rises / Ken Gilmour -- OFS Meet -- Passive Receptors watch world cruise by / David Webster -- Students kill birds -- [Editorial] / P. J. Thomas -- Calendar -- Letters -- Psycho Cold [letters] / Peter Rukavina -- Announcements -- CPTC Cabinet would like to thank... [advertisement] -- Senator resigns [letters] / Ken Paul -- Tune in Turn Down [letters] / Sandra Collins -- Star Wars [letters] / Ed Sawdon -- Humber College [advertisement] -- Reading Week Buses [advertisement] -- Charlotte Anne's First Anniversary [advertisement] -- Buy Degree [letters] / D. Patterson -- TSU Defended [letters] / M.B. McGrattan -- TSU Views / Colleen O'Connor and Philip Playfair -- Recycle -- Bi-election [advertisement] -- T.I.S.A Plans month of events / Kofi Barnes -- Malfunction / anonymous -- Stephs in the right direction / Stephanie Benn, OXFAM -- Squatters have class / M.B. McGrattan -- gay banter -- Sex aids herpes homo bad -- Katimavik / Sue Wilson -- Champlain Editors / Jacquie and Liza -- HA!TE / M.B. -- Your key to P.R.C. [advertisement] -- trent theatre presents / Beyond the valley of the dolls [advertisement] -- Synthetic momentum / faces in the crowd -- Far beyond reality / Garth Barriere -- Artspace [advertisement] -- Quintessential wine tastery / Tod steward -- Sports Column / T. Bay -- Comics -- Sports after university: Sync or swim / One other girl