Arthur: Volume 32, No. 17

    Item Description
    Date Issued
    Table Of Contents

    Students attack banks at Day of Action -- Editorial -- Students target corporate Canada in Day of Action / Sarah Blackstock -- Human rights at Trent / Pheona Amott & Jen McColl -- Presidential visit / Kate Archibald-Cross -- Student Health Services [Advertisement] -- Preparing for the Elders' Gathering / Wanda Nanibush -- The Commoner [Advertisement] -- Afta NAFTA / Liane MacGregor -- Williams & Higgs Attorneys [Advertisement] -- Occupation conversation: Protesters discuss CIBC sit-in -- Students exercise politcal power: The first ever Canadian bank occupation / Janice Barry -- Students hit the streets across Canada -- The MAI's threat to Native sovereignty / Giles Grierson -- Trent Photographics [Advertisement] -- The term Black / Kevin Modeste -- Black history 101 / Nicole Williams -- Why have a Black History Month? / Nicole Williams -- February calendar of events -- World Watch / Dawood Khan -- Transparent tales / Jenna Charltone -- Radio log / Esther Caldwell -- Coaches' corner / Holly Morrison -- Dining at Trent [Advertisement] -- Clearly born on rink / Intaglio Netz -- Don't let winter get you down / Jeanette Nolan -- Intramural Sports Scores -- Greyhound [Advertisement] -- We have not heard these words before; A response to the federal Apology / David Newhouse -- Culture Writing Workshop [Advertisement] -- Sorry isn't good enough / Wendall Froman -- "Apology" lacks respect / Jamie Plante -- Pizza Nova [Advertisement] -- Letters; Trent lives u to its queer reputation / Enilorac O'Lezzie , Ultra-feminists dominate at Trent / Name withheld , Day of Action a success / Peter Whyte -- Listings -- Calendar of events

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