This Is It, I Guess: Creating a Forward-Thinking Queer Narrative by Examining Early and Current Examples


Queer youth are an at-risk group, with an incredibly high rate of harm and death as they grow into themselves. They are often advised to wait until they finish school to express their sexuality more openly, when they can leave to somewhere that is "better", which in this context can mean safer, more accepting, or far away from friends and family who may reject them. Unfortunately, much of the media representation of queer people is regressive or stereotypical, usually involving the suffering or death of its queer-identified characters. It is telling that a recurring theme in queer stories is that empathy and understanding for queer people can only be attained through their suffering. Non-queer people do not have to suffer to be understood. In this thesis I discuss the potential of creativity in academic works, I examine queer stories that buck the trend of tragedy through queer and pop culture theory, and I write a queer young adult novel in response, featuring a self-actualized protagonist whose sexuality does not cause him pain or trauma.

Author Keywords: creative writing, queer literature, queer protagonist, queer theory, queer youth, young adult literature

    Item Description
    Creator (cre): Loucks, Ben
    Thesis advisor (ths): Pendleton Jiminez, Karleen
    Degree committee member (dgc): McGuire, Kelly
    Degree committee member (dgc): Handlarski, Denise
    Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Date Issued
    Date (Unspecified)
    Place Published
    Peterborough, ON
    505 pages
    Copyright is held by the author, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted.
    Local Identifier
    Trent University
    Master of Education (M.Ed.): Educational Studies