Establishing the Need for Food Services at Sadlier House


The purpose of this project is to look at the area surrounding Sadleir House in Peterborough Ontario and determine what the level of interest in a food service is. The area surrounding Sadleir House does not offer adequate food service options, and this research aims to see if adding a food service option in Sadleir House would add or alter the level of usage of the building. This research draws on different methodologies such as, conducting a literature review, looking into the area of Peterborough and the issue of food security, as well as what different food service provider type options are available. Another methodology used is surveys, which were analyzed to see if students at Trent University are interested in a food service and what type. This research also consisted of interviews of food service providers, drawing on the challenges and benefits of specific types of food services. It is determined that there is a strong level of interest in a food service. This research determines that a café style food service is a best fit for Sadleir House.

    Item Description
    Creator (cre): Bower, Lauren
    Supporting host (sht): Sadlier House
    Date Issued
    Date (Unspecified)
    Copyright is held by the author(s), with all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted.
    Local Identifier
    TCRC Project ID: 4677

    By Lauren Bower

    Date of Project Submission: April 2015.

    Completed for: Sadlier House; Supervising Professor: Heather Nicol; Trent Community Research Centre

    GEOG4030 - Community Based Research in Geography