Marrick's Landing Resort in Burleigh Falls is suitable for nature trail development in a two-phase process that will enable safe, scenic and enjoyable hiking and show shoeing activities. This experience will be strengthened through the use of the accompanying site-specific nature trail interpretive manual outlining existing species of flora and fauna, information about what species to look for and when, recommended trail etiquette and a map of trails at Marrick's Landing.
Item Description
Abstract -- List of figures and inserts -- Acknowledgements -- Glossary -- Chapter one: Introduction -- Chapter two: Literature review -- Chapter three: Methodology -- Chapter four: Results. Marrick's Landing nature trail system. Marrick's Landing nature trail interpretive manual -- Chapter five: Discussion -- Chapter six: Conclusion -- References -- Trail design support materials.
by Jamie Doherty.
Date of project submission: 2003.
Includes bibliographic references (p. 30).
GEOG 470: Research in Human Geography.