Seven of the eight turtle species in Ontario are classified as 'at risk' with two, the spotted and the wood turtle, classified as endangered. This undoubtedly high number of calls for conservation action to be implemented to ensure the survival of the turtle race as a whole to continue its existence in the province of Ontario.
Item Description
Executive summary of project -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Methodology -- Results: Literature review summary -- Results: Sampling kits -- Application -- Recommendations -- Conclusion -- Acknowledgements -- References -- Appendix 1: Contact list -- Appendix 2: Literature review -- Appendix 3: Glossary of key terms.
By: Sarah Lippert.
Completed for: Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre; Supervising Professor: Joanne Freeland, Trent University; Course Coordinator: Sharon Beaucage-Johnson; Trent Centre for Community Based Education.
Includes bibliographic references.
FRSC 4980: Community-Based Education.