This research project is one of the first studies of litterless lunch programs in Ontario schools. Our research project was done in conjunction with Peterborough Green-Up, an environmentally friendly community organization, who enlisted our assistance for this research.
Item Description
Abstract -- Acknowledgements -- Section 1: Introduction. 1.1 Purpose of this project. 1.2 Key research questions. 1.3 Study area. 1.4 Key research terms. 1.5 Relevant geographic issues and debates -- Section 2: Literature review. 2.1 Introduction. 2.2 Historical geography. 2.3 Cultural geography. 2.4 Social geography. 2.5 Feminist geography. 2.6 Barriers. 2.7 Litterless lunches and waste reduction practices -- Section 3: Methodology and area of research. 3.1 Description of research area. 3.2 Textual analysis. 3.3 Qualitative research: Focus groups. 3.4 Data organization and analysis. 3.5 Ethical concerns -- Section 4: Results and discussion. 4.1 Changes in methodology. 4.2 Opinions and attitudes of students. 4.3 Opinions and attitudes of teachers. 4.4 Opinions and attitudes of parents -- Section 5: Conclusion. 5.1 Summary of key findings. 5.2 Limitations of the research. 5.3 Reflection and considerations for the future. 5.4 Final summation -- References -- Appendices.
Completed by: Alexandra Trotter and Melissa Lentini.
Includes bibliographic references.
GEOG 4700: Community-Based Research in Human Geography.