Social barriers to litterless lunches


This research project is one of the first studies of litterless lunch programs in Ontario schools. Our research project was done in conjunction with Peterborough Green-Up, an environmentally friendly community organization, who enlisted our assistance for this research.

    Item Description
    Creator (cre): Trotter, Alexandra
    Creator (cre): Lentini, Melissa
    Supporting host (sht): Peterborough Green-Up
    Date Issued
    Date (Unspecified)
    Table Of Contents

    Abstract -- Acknowledgements -- Section 1: Introduction. 1.1 Purpose of this project. 1.2 Key research questions. 1.3 Study area. 1.4 Key research terms. 1.5 Relevant geographic issues and debates -- Section 2: Literature review. 2.1 Introduction. 2.2 Historical geography. 2.3 Cultural geography. 2.4 Social geography. 2.5 Feminist geography. 2.6 Barriers. 2.7 Litterless lunches and waste reduction practices -- Section 3: Methodology and area of research. 3.1 Description of research area. 3.2 Textual analysis. 3.3 Qualitative research: Focus groups. 3.4 Data organization and analysis. 3.5 Ethical concerns -- Section 4: Results and discussion. 4.1 Changes in methodology. 4.2 Opinions and attitudes of students. 4.3 Opinions and attitudes of teachers. 4.4 Opinions and attitudes of parents -- Section 5: Conclusion. 5.1 Summary of key findings. 5.2 Limitations of the research. 5.3 Reflection and considerations for the future. 5.4 Final summation -- References -- Appendices.

    1 volume : illustrations, charts, graphs, maps ; 29 x 24 cm.
    Copyright is held by the author(s), with all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted.
    Dewey Classification
    Local Identifier
    TCRC Project ID: 4085

    Completed by: Alexandra Trotter and Melissa Lentini.

    Includes bibliographic references.

    GEOG 4700: Community-Based Research in Human Geography.