Item Description
Creator (cre): Romano, Jesse
Creator (cre): Bailie, Meghan
Creator (cre): Gilroy, Matt
Supporting host (sht): Greater Peterborough Area Economic Development Corporation (GPAEDC)
Other (oth): Trent University Envrionmental and Resource Studies
Issuing body (isb): Trent Centre for Community-Based Education
Date Issued
2010 (year uncertain)
Date (Unspecified)
2010 (year uncertain)
Table Of Contents
1. Introduction -- 2. Purpose of project -- 3. Research questions -- 4. Definitions -- 5. Demographics -- 6. Greater Peterborough Area land base -- 7. Greater Toronto Area land base -- 8. Ethno cultural produce -- 9. Organic produce -- 10. Ethic meats. a. Goat. b. Pork -- 11. Conclusion and recommendations -- 12. References -- 13. Appendix 1 (Meat goat model).
23 pages : illustrations, charts, tables ; 29 x 24 cm.
Copyright is held by the author(s), with all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted.
Subject (Topical)
Dewey Classification
Local Identifier
TCRC Project ID: 4141
Jesse Romano, Meghan Bailie, Matt Gilroy. --
Includes bibliographic references.