Year: 2023, 2023
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Abstract: <p>This case study's fan fiction and its subsequent non-RPF romance novel version reveal a complex blend of the fan fiction, romance novel, intimatopia, pornography, slash fan fiction, Real Person Fan Fiction, and Men's Hockey Real Person Fan Fiction genres and subgenres. Intimatopia's ideological framework provides a specific method for the romance novel's reordering of… more
Year: 2023, 2023
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Abstract: <p>Through an exploration of shared stories, hauntings and the sea, this study outlines the idea that an ideological shift is a necessary first step to address the impact of colonialism in the publishing industry. This thesis draws sustained attention to the ways in which colonialism has an inextricable material effect on the publishing industry, and focuses on the myriad ways this past… more