Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection

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    1 item
    Copyright for all items in the Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection is held by the author, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted.
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    Interseeded Cover Crops in Ontario Grain Corn Systems: Potential Implications for Corn Nitrogen Uptake, Soil Health, and Residue Decomposition

    Year: 2022, 2022
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Katanda, Yeukai, Thesis advisor (ths): Hutchinson, Tom, Thesis advisor (ths): Thompson, Karen, Degree committee member (dgc): Sharifi, Mehdi, Degree committee member (dgc): Van Eerd, Laura, Degree committee member (dgc): Hooker, David, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>Ontario grain corn is highly valuable, accounting for 60% of Canada's total corn output. Grain producers are increasingly interested in including cover crops (CCs) in their cropping systems, but they have concerns regarding successful CC establishment and potential adverse competitive effects on corn yield and nutrient status. One option to improve the success of CC establishment is… more

    The Agro-Ecological Zoning (AEZ) of Southern Ontario and the Projected Shifts Caused by Climate Change in the Long-term Future

    Year: 2017, 2017
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Batelaan, Kate, Thesis advisor (ths): Ponce-Hernandez, Raul, Degree committee member (dgc): Eimers, Catherine, Degree committee member (dgc): Sharifi, Mehdi, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>This thesis proposes an agro-ecological zoning (AEZ) methodology of southern Ontario for the characterization and mapping of agro-ecological zones during the historical term (1981-2010), and their shifts into the long-term (2041-2070) projected climate period. Agro-ecological zones are homogenous areas with a unique combination of climate, soil, and landscape features that are important… more

    An Analysis of Zoning By-laws and Urban Agriculture in the City of Peterborough, Ontario

    Year: 2016, 2016
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Mackey, Taylor, Thesis advisor (ths): Whillans, Tom, Degree committee member (dgc): Sharifi, Mehdi, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>Urban agriculture (UA) is becoming increasingly prevalent in Canadian cities. Despite this municipal zoning by-laws often do not address UA explicitly. Using eleven interviews of urban agricultural participants a case study of the City of Peterborough's zoning by-laws and the barriers they might present to UA was conducted. Research suggests that UA can provide many benefits to… more

    Legume species, nitrogen rate and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation effects on crop biomass and nitrogen requirement in a corn-legume system

    Year: 2016, 2016
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Pei, Chengyin, Thesis advisor (ths): Sharifi, Mehdi, Degree committee member (dgc): Saville, Barry, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>Interseeding legume cover crops in grain corn may improve the environmental sustainability of corn production system in Southern Ontario. This study aimed to assess the effects of legume species, nitrogen (N) fertilizer rate and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation on biomass and N requirement in a corn-legume system. Corn was grown with red clover (RCl), microclover (MCl),… more

    Soil mineralizable nitrogen as an indicator of soil nitrogen supply for grain corn in southwestern Ontario

    Year: 2015, 2015
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Stoeckli, Jessica, Thesis advisor (ths): Sharifi, Mehdi, Degree committee member (dgc): Eimers, Catherine, Degree committee member (dgc): Ponce-Hernandez, Raul, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>Soil mineralizable nitrogen (N) is the main component of soil N supply in humid temperate regions and should be considered in N fertilizer recommendations. The objectives of this study were to determine the potentially mineralizable N parameters, and improve N fertilizer recommendations by evaluating a suite of soil N tests in southwestern Ontario. The study was conducted over the 2013… more

    Nitrogen and phosphorus bioavailability in soil amended with alkaline stabilized biosolids

    Year: 2015, 2015
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Halloran, Samantha, Thesis advisor (ths): Sharifi, Mehdi, Degree committee member (dgc): Metcalfe, Chris, Degree committee member (dgc): Price, Gordon, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>Agricultural land application of biosolids recycles nutrients and organic matter to the soil, however the effect of treatment process on nutrient availability requires further research for better nutrient management. This study examined the bioavailability of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in alkaline treated biosolids (TB) when amended into three different soils. Despite a 45%… more