Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection

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    Our 'Canada': National Narratives and the Dangers of Bourgeois Mythologies and Hegemonic Canadian Propaganda

    Year: 2023, 2023
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Hansen, Eli, Thesis advisor (ths): Steffler, Margaret, Degree committee member (dgc): Bailey, Suzanne, Degree committee member (dgc): Winger, Rob, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>This thesis argues that Canada, as it is regarded by the Canadian citizenry, exists as a collection of public-facing narratives within a collectively imagined national mythos. This mythos, as it stands in 2022, is an accumulation of layers of narratives built on the foundation of former British imperial myths honed by bourgeois ideologies and ideals into a uniquely 'Canadian'… more