Digital Elevation Models and Viewshed Analysis: A Case Study from 11th-13th Century Turkey


This thesis approaches the issue of Viewshed Analysis and how it can impact the understanding of a medieval environment. Centered on the High Medieval period of Cilicia, in what is today Southwestern Turkey, the precision of Viewsheds in a complex terrain is evaluated, and the role of the fortifications in the environment is expanded upon. The maps that were generated for this thesis demonstrate that the use of free datasets must be done with caution, and that the use of more than one dataset is crucial in trying to create a clearer picture of the environment. The examination of four separate sets of fortifications within the region leads to new questions about the role of fortifications in the region, as well as a better understanding of what groups such as the Armenian Cilicians and the Knights Templar were doing in the High Medieval period. Finally, conclusions are made regarding the future impact of GIS based studies, and how they can help scholars understand Ancient and Medieval landscapes.

Author Keywords: Armenian Cilicia, Fortifications, GIS, Viewshed

    Item Description
    Creator (cre): Sharpe, Robert Simon
    Thesis advisor (ths): Elton, Hugh
    Degree committee member (dgc): Conolly, James
    Degree committee member (dgc): Janz, Lisa
    Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Date Issued
    Date (Unspecified)
    Place Published
    Peterborough, ON
    298 pages
    Copyright is held by the author, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted.
    Local Identifier
    Trent University
    Master of Arts (M.A.): Anthropology