Women in Canada are missing from all levels of politics and there has been a painstakingly slow increase in the number of women involved. Women in Politics workshops have been run throughout Ontario and Canada as a whole. This project looks at Peterborough, Ontario and the opportunity for the YWCA of the area to host such workshops. It was found that workshops about women in politics are effective when the right curriculum is used and have an impact on the women who attend. It is recommended that the YWCA begin to increase the frequency with which these workshops are offered as well as tailoring each workshop to a specific interest, increasing overall effectiveness and impact and in turn increasing participation of women in politics in the Peterborough Region.
Item Description
By Rachel Arseneault and Leah Fearman
Date of Project Submission: April 2016.
Completed for: YWCA Peterborough; Supervising Professor: Paul Schaffer; Trent Community Research Centre Project Coordinator: John Marris
IDST 4220Y - Assessment of Development Projects