Holt, Ryan

Forest Roost Use by Little Brown Bats (Myotis lucifugus) in Ontario

Creator (cre): Holt, Ryan, Thesis advisor (ths): Bowman, Jeff, Thesis advisor (ths): Davy, Christina M, Degree committee member (dgc): Koen, Erin L, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Roosts offer bats protection from predators, shelter from external environmental conditions, and a space where sociality, mating, and the rearing of young can occur. However, knowledge gaps still remain for many forest roosting species, such as the little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) surrounding what roosts are selected, and what variables are influential at differing scales of selection. As a species-at-risk, identifying and predicting roost habitat selection may aid conservation and management. I identified forest roosts in a previously unexamined area of this species' range using radio-telemetry, and measured tree-scale characteristics of located roosts. I then used a logistic model selection process with stand-scale variables to predict roost presence across forest stands. Height of trees in a given stand was the best predictor of roost presence - which may be linked to solar exposure and other thermal benefits. I then examined roost-level variables effecting the abundance of roosting bats in an artificial roosting environment (bat boxes). I found that temperature and social effects were both significant predictors of bat abundance, with warmer minimum temperatures in the box having a positive effect. These results suggest maternal bats may select roosts with higher minimum temperatures, likely due to the energetic benefits that may be gained over the course of reproduction.

Author Keywords: forest roost, habitat selection, little brown bat, Myotic lucifugus, roost choice, stand selection