Indigenous Studies

Elders And Indigenous Healing in The Correctional Service Of Canada: A Story of Relational Dissonance, Sacred Doughnuts, And Drive-Thru Expectations

Creator (cre): Quantick, Robin, Thesis advisor (ths): Berrill, Deborah P., Degree committee member (dgc): Furgal, Chris, Degree committee member (dgc): Bell, Nicole, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

In our communities, we are continually challenged to reflect on effective responses to the people and events that put us at risk. This study is an examination of two distinctly different world-view responses: the colonial, dominant culture and the Indigenous world-view. The retributive understanding of the dominant culture applies assumptions about the nature of the world that are vested in colonial, paternal, and punitive processes aimed to extract compliance as a means of deterrence. Conversely, the consensual precepts of Indigenous world-view are rooted in community-based practices that require a process of collaboration and cooperation to create integrated relationships that glean responsibility.

This study brings light to bear on the ongoing relational dissonance that exists between the following: the disproportionate representation of men and women of Aboriginal descent held under federal warrant in Canada; the legislated mandate contained within the Canadian Corrections and Conditional Release Act that places successful community reintegration as a primary objective for the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC); and the role, place, and function of Elders who work in CSC reception centres, healing programs, and Pathways Initiatives.

This study explores the variables, assumptions, and differing world-views that contribute to the disproportionate representation of incarcerated adults of Aboriginal descent and the challenges that impede successful community reintegration. In order to effectively examine and make sense of the relational dissonance that exists between correctional theory and institutional practice, the research is driven by a central question: What is the role, place, and function of Elders in the delivery of Indigenous healing programs within Canadian federal prisons?

The outcome of this work reveals practices of decolonizing justice and healing that can move assumptions and challenge paternal understanding. It is an approach that has the capacity to peel away relational dissonance, thus allowing space for public policy that sustains consensual understandings of community.

Key Words: Indigenous, settler colonial, dominant culture, retributive justice, restorative justice, indigenous justice, Elder, healing, healing program, disproportionate representation, successful community reintegration, relational dissonance.

Author Keywords: Elder, healing program, indigenous justice, relational dissonance, retributive justice, successful community reintegration


Following ininaahtigoog Home: Anishinaabeg Womxn iskigamiziganing

Creator (cre): Sy, Waaseyaa'sin Christine, Thesis advisor (ths): Williams, Carol, Thesis advisor (ths): Sangster, Joan, Degree committee member (dgc): Sherman, Paula, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Indigenous peoples' sur-thrivance in global, settler colonial, historical, and nation-specific economic contexts is a broadly studied subject that fails to emphasize Indigenous economic sovereignty. Indigenous knowledges regarding the land-based relationalities which formulate an aspect of Indigenous economic sovereignty is lacking. So too is knowledge on Indigenous womxn's land and water-based relationalities from which her economic sovereignty flows. Writing within and for Anishinaabeg sur-thrivance in Anishinaabewaki, this research examines Anishinaabeg womxn's relationship with the sugar bush during the spring harvest as a site of gendered nation-specific economic sovereignty. Epistemicide has attenuated land-based knowledges in gendered ways; and, missionary and settler colonial processes in Canada, the U.S., and within Anishinaabeg communities have alienated Anishinaabeg womxn from inherent land and water-based relationships. By employing an Anishinaabeg methodology of "critically returning to ourselves" that is oriented towards Anishinaabe approaches to history and Anishinaabe ways of seeing history as worlds, this research recovers information about womxn's sugar bush relationships. This recovery begins with literary, documentary, and oral sources. Through anishinaabe feminist interpretation, I reveal that womxn's sugar bush relationships engender whole worlds that are animated and generated by her legendary connections with the natural and spiritual world, her social-economic commitment and savvy, and her enduring labour. I further interpret that her connections, her savvy, and her labour is mediated with variable aspects of settler colonial gendered influences such as patriarchy, omnipresent heterosexuality and/or gender binaries, marriage, class, and values attributed to womxn that are inconsequential to sur-thriving in land and water-based worlds. In conclusion this research tells three distinct, but connected, "sticky and sweet [story] strands" which illuminate the significance, beauty, complexity, and un-romance of Anishinaabeg womxn's relationship with the sugar bush. Simultaneously, it prompts Anishinaabeg to reflect on the worlds we have lived in, are living in now, and want to create in terms of land-based relationships and relationalities. In effort to disrupt and bring attention to the restrictions and distortions that several hundred years of missionary, settler colonial, (hetero)patriarchal, heterosexist, and capitalist forces have had on Anishinaabeg gender and relational formations, my method in writing (i.e. spelling) is to prompt consciousness of gender and relational fluidity and diversity. This approach presses for Anishinaabeg committed orientation towards the necessities and possibilities of correcting and transforming imposed and internalized settler gender and relational formations and structures. This research builds on a body of literature about Indigenous womxn's relationship with land and water in Turtle Island in order to signify and illuminate Anishinaabeg womxn's dynamic and varied relationship with the sugar bush. It contributes to Indigenous research methodology, Indigenous and Anishinaabeg women's history, Indigenous women's labour, and Indigenous literary studies.

Author Keywords: Anishinaabeg Studies, economic sovereignty, Indigenous feminism, Indigenous relationship with land, Indigenous women, sugar bush


Bringing Knowledges Together: Indigenous Environmental Studies in Action

Creator (cre): Armstrong, Carly Louise, Thesis advisor (ths): Longboat, Daniel, Degree committee member (dgc): Wall Kimmerer, Robin, Degree committee member (dgc): Furgal, Chris, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

The natural world and environmental issues present critical points of convergence

between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people and their knowledge systems. This

qualitative study engaged with 18 Indigenous and non-Indigenous environmental

practitioners in interview conversations to explore their experiences in cross-cultural

environmental collaborations. The research undertakes a complexity theory approach to

answer the following research questions:

1.a) What skills, values, knowledges and approaches do environmental

practitioners need to enable Western and Indigenous knowledge systems to come

together in addressing environmental challenges?

1. b) What does effectiveness and/or success look like in cross-cultural

environmental collaboration?

2. How can post-secondary and professional development educational programs

impart the skills, values, knowledges and approaches that their students need to

effectively engage in work that brings together Indigenous and non-Indigenous people

and their knowledge systems in addressing environmental challenges?

This study applied multiple lenses to analyze and interpret the data. The author's

own reflections as both a practitioner and researcher working and teaching in crosscultural

environmental contexts were a central component of the study. Through this

analysis a set of skills, values, knowledges, approaches, attributes, and roles emerged.

The findings reaffirm the importance of respect, relationship, responsibility, and

reciprocity as central values in Indigenous praxis and identify additional values. The

application of a critical theory lens illuminated that subtle racism and microaggressions

influence environmental collaboration between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.

The study proposes a curriculum and program design for post-secondary and professional

development contexts, that draws upon multiple pedagogies to prepare learners to work

cross-culturally in respectful ways. These findings are relevant to environmental

practitioners currently working in the field and contribute to a further articulation of an

emerging Indigenous Environmental Studies and Sciences (IESS) pedagogy.

Author Keywords: Cross-cultural collaboration, Curriculum Development, Environmental Education, Indigenous Studies, Professional Development


MSHKIKENH IKWE NIIN (I am Tutle Woman): The Transformative Role of Anishinaabe Women's Knowledge in Graduate Research

Creator (cre): Ray, Lana, Thesis advisor (ths): Balfour, Gillian, Degree committee member (dgc): Anderson, Kim, Degree committee member (dgc): Pendleton Jimenez, Karleen, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This dissertation offers the dibaajimowin (personal story) of my beading project, which I undertook to understand the enactment of Anishinaabe women's knowledge in graduate research. Framed through the concept of a collective self, which is embedded within the Anishinaabe traditions of storytelling and beading, and drawing further from the aesthetics, processes, and teachings of these traditions so that I proceed in a good way, I am able to tell a story that is wholly Anishinaabe. Through the symbolic literacy present within the pieces of beadwork entitled:"Turtle Woman," "Turtle Woman Meets Grandmother Moon," "Turtle Woman Marries a Beaver," and "Turtle Woman Slays the Big Fish," which I present in the second half of this story, I explore the relationship among Anishinaabe women's knowledges, self, identity, power relations, allyship, sovereignty and good governance in graduate research. I conclude that if graduate research is framed as an extension of an Anishinaabe space, an ethics of responsibility emerges, setting the stage for graduate research that is rooted in responsibility, contributing to efforts of Anishinaabe sovereignty and community wellness. Overall through my conclusion, as well as the process that I employ, I make contributions in the areas of Indigenous thought, Indigenous methodologies, Indigenous governance, feminism, critical theory, pedagogy, and ally theory.

Author Keywords: Anishinaabe, beadwork, Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous methodology, Indigenous women, sovereignty


Environmental Health Management Practices in Indigenous Communities: A Case Study with Mississauga First Nation

Creator (cre): Denomme, Daneen Mary-France, Thesis advisor (ths): Furgal, Chris, Degree committee member (dgc): Paehlke, Robert, Degree committee member (dgc): Longboat, Dan Roronhiake:wen, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Environmental factors play a critical role in the health and well-being of people worldwide and the distribution of the burden of disease associated with environmental causes is disproportionately high in marginalized populations, including First Nations. In this way, environmental health problems are as much social and political problems as environmental and must be addressed as such. In Canada, the division of responsibilities for environmental health, in combination with the jurisdictional complexities of health and environment regulation and service provision on-reserve creates a First Nations environmental health management system with significant gaps. This research set out to explore the question: What are the current strengths and challenges in First Nations environmental health policy and management? A qualitative exploratory design organized in two stages and employing key informant interviews, document review and a community case study was used to examine this topic. In the first stage a review of existing programs and policies applicable to Ontario First Nations and a series of interviews with key experts on the topic in the province were conducted. A conceptual framework of the core elements affecting environmental health management in First Nations communities was developed and then applied to a case study with Mississauga First Nation in Northern Ontario. The framework included five core elements: Environmental Health Jurisdiction and Responsibility; Participation in Environmental Health Decision-Making; Access to Environmental Health Resources, Communication of Environmental Health Information; and, Role and Influence of Leadership. The findings indicate that "internal" issues, like community-based decision-making and support for environmental health initiatives seem to be least affected by the "external" issues such as access to federal funding. The "internal" issues were also shown to be critically important factors having impacts on environmental health management practices and policies in Mississauga First Nation. While there are countless barriers associated with the "external" factors that have significant impacts on environmental health management practices and policies, this research suggest that the "internal" factors can potentially be the most important factors in creating positive change in this area and as a result warrant further study in order to improve the state of environmental health issues in First Nations.

Author Keywords: Community, Environmental Health, First Nations, Framework, Policy


Native Art as seen through Native Eyes: An examination of contemporary Native art From a Storytelling Perspective

Creator (cre): Phillips, Robert Alvin, Thesis advisor (ths): Dockstator, Mark, Degree committee member (dgc): Newhouse, David, Degree committee member (dgc): Lacombe, Michele, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Since the end of the Second World War, artists of Native descent have engaged with the Fine Art world where their work has come to be placed in the category of Native art. As a result of my journey, I have come to realize that in the Fine Art world the term Native art tends to be associated with the practices of our ancestors in times past obscuring our contemporary nature. In the present day context, however, I see an evolution and will tell the stories of the artists I met, who became a part of my life and thus a part of my narrative to point out that the voices of contemporary artists of Native descent, when speaking of their work, demonstrate a modern form of Native creativity, pride and joy that needs to be properly recognized. While Native artists do respect our traditions and do deal with issues of importance to our communities, they also create their artwork using sophisticated and modern techniques. It is up to us to make our contemporary nature known far and wide.

A storytelling approach based on the Michael Thrasher Medicine Wheel Teachings is employed to present the voices of our contemporary artists of Native descent who when speaking of their work create a rich and vibrant story of Native creativity, pride and joy.

Author Keywords: Culture, Elder, Indigenous Knowledge, Native Art, Storytelling


Know*ledge Constellations and Re*constellating: Narratives to Inform Indigenous-and-Environmental Education

Creator (cre): Evering, Brigitte, Thesis advisor (ths): Furgal, Chris, Degree committee member (dgc): Kuhn, Lesley, Degree committee member (dgc): Longboat, Dan, Degree committee member (dgc): Kimmerer, Robin, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

The purpose of this study was to explore the educational implications of a clearer understanding of the practice of using multiple, including Indigenous, knowledges when finding solutions to place-based environmental issues. The impetus for my research came from a growing sense of urgency to address environmental issues within both Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities. Some have argued that communities will be most successful in understanding and resolving such issues if ways can be found to work with different knowledges. However, the practice of bringing together multiple knowledges is not yet consistently effective. At the same time, there is a recognised need for individuals who are able to use different knowledges to address urgent environmental concerns. Unfortunately, there is minimal programming advice based on the perspective of individual practitioners available to guide post-secondary institutions wishing to meet this need. This lead to my first two research questions: and

In my project, I used a relational research approach that led to a third question: How is a complexity-inspired interpretive approach suitable for exploring these questions? I had coherent conversations with sixteen practitioners who were deliberately using multiple, including Indigenous, knowledges to find solutions to place-based environmental issues. Practitioners and I co-created a Know*ledge Constellation Story to describe how they think about using knowledges in their work. In a group coherent conversation with five educators who were familiar with Indigenous-and-Environmental education, we explored the educational implications of this story. Together, we finalised a Teaching-Learning Story of Re*constellating and identified ways to prepare students to practice re*constellating, including teaching strategies and program considerations.

The Know*ledge Constellation Story and the Teaching-Learning Story of Re*constellating will inform post-secondary Indigenous-and-Environmental education. Graduates from such programs will be better prepared to engage with communities to address environmental concerns, meet legislative and policy requirements, and support research efforts that would benefit from a clearer understanding of the practice of re*constellating.

Author Keywords: Complexity-Inspired Interpretive Approach, Conditions of Emergence, Indigenous-and-Environmental Education, Know*ledge Constellations, Principles of Re*constellating, Teaching and Learning