Collings, Laura Michelle

Examining the Role of Intermediary Organizations in Participatory Planning

Creator (cre): Collings, Laura Michelle, Thesis advisor (ths): Hill, Stephen, Degree committee member (dgc): Rutherford, Stephanie, Degree committee member (dgc): Dart, Ray, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This research evaluates the role of GreenUP, a non-profit in Peterborough, Ontario, as the intermediary organization for NeighbourPLAN. The project examines GreenUP's role in facilitating and managing NeighbourPLAN, a participatory planning project with multiple local partners and actors. Six critical success factors are used to understand and conceptualize intermediary success (adapted from Holden et al., 2016). Critical success factors include knowledge; governance; relationships; resources; activities; and motivation. Findings from the research highlight the importance of trust, resources, and time within this framework.

Author Keywords: Community Based Research, Intermediary, Neighbourhood, Non-profit, Participatory Planning, Partnership Structure