King, Elisha

Ohwén:tsia Entsionkwarihón:nien (The Earth Will Teach Us Again): A Rotinonhsón:ni Land-Based Education Model

Creator (cre): King, Elisha, Thesis advisor (ths): Swamp, Skahendowaneh, Thesis advisor (ths): Davis, Lynne, Degree committee member (dgc): Zohar, Asaf, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Ohwén:tsia Entsionkwarihón:nien is a project that explores the intersection of Kanien'kéha immersion, Kanien'kehá:ka culture and the potential impacts of experiencing Rotinonhsón:ni knowledge on the land. Students at the Akwesasne Freedom School are fully immersed in the Kanien'kéha language and the "curriculum" is centered around four Rotinonhsón:ni systems of knowledge. What is missing, as identified by the teachers, is consistent opportunities for students to physically be on the land.

This project asks how can we ensure that future generations of Onkwehónwe children can embody their language and their culture in connection to the land. The resulting "curriculum" then shifts from determining what students will learn, to listening to what the land has to teach. A land-based program by the AFS can translate to educational control, cultural sustainability, food sovereignty, environmental stewardship, community empowerment and linguistic revitalization; each of these is a critical component of building and rebuilding communities and nations.

Author Keywords: Indigenous methodology, Land-Based Education, Rotinonhsón:ni, Storytelling