Hooke-Wood, Frederick Alexander David

A Comparison of Nature Activities: Citizen Science, Environmental Education, and Mere Nature Exposure

Creator (cre): Hooke-Wood, Frederick Alexander David, Thesis advisor (ths): Nisbet, Elizabeth K, Degree committee member (dgc): Chan-Reynolds, Michael G, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Research shows spending time in nature can result in many positive effects, including improving mood, connection to nature, and environmental concern. Certain activities may increase these positive effects of nature exposure. Citizen science (non-scientists collecting data to contribute to science) and environmental education (receiving information about the environment) are two potential ways to boost the positive effects of nature exposure. But little research has been done comparing citizen science with environmental education. To address this gap in knowledge, undergraduate participants were randomly assigned to spend five minutes outside daily, for two weeks, either simply observing nature, looking for birds, or looking for and recording bird sightings. Over time, all groups experienced improvements in mood, connection to nature, and environmental concern. However, connection to nature increased the most in people who simply observed nature. Unexpectedly, simply spending time in nature was the most effective intervention. Limitations and future directions are discussed.

Author Keywords: Citizen Science, Emotional Well-Being, Environmental Concern, Environmental Education, Nature Exposure, Nature Relatedness