Lake, Whitney Anne

Enhancing interpretive trails with technology: The value of a smartphone-guided interpretive trail

Creator (cre): Lake, Whitney Anne, Thesis advisor (ths): Elliott, Paul, Degree committee member (dgc): Niblett, Blair, Degree committee member (dgc): Hill, Stephen, Degree committee member (dgc): Pendleton Jimenez, Karleen, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Enhancing interpretive trails with smartphone technology may enrich the visitor's educational experience by stimulating deeper engagement and enjoyment that will improve immediate knowledge and help promote the development of environmental literacy. This connection between technology and environmental education can only be considered successful if enhanced enrichment and educational value is found in the integration. Currently there is a substantial gap in research on the incorporation of technology into an interpretive trail experience. For this study, information on the local fauna and flora was produced and linked to Quick Response Codes (QR codes) installed along an outdoor trail. The QR codes were designed to be read using the participant's personal smartphone. Immediately after completing the trail participants could volunteer to describe their smartphone-led experience through a self-administered cross-sectional questionnaire offered in hard copy at the study site. A non-experimental quantitative research methodology was employed to evaluate the survey data and determine the educational and enjoyment value of the experience. This research is of potential benefit to educators of science, technology and the environment. The research may also assist parks and recreation facilities wishing to offset the costs of building and maintaining traditional interpretive trails by eliminating the need for the printing of booklets, maps and signage.

Author Keywords: education, environment, interpretive trails, science, smartphone technology