Singh, Pradyumn
Augmented Reality Sandbox (Aeolian Box): A Teaching and Presentation Tool for Atmospheric Boundary Layer Airflows over a Deformable Surface
The AeolianBox is an educational and presentation tool extended in this thesis to
represent the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) flow over a deformable surface in the
sandbox. It is a hybrid hardware cum mathematical model which helps users to visually,
interactively and spatially fathom the natural laws governing ABL airflow. The
AeolianBox uses a Kinect V1 camera and a short focal length projector to capture the
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the topography within the sandbox. The captured
DEM is used to generate a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model and project the
ABL flow back onto the surface topography within the sandbox.
AeolianBox is designed to be used in a classroom setting. This requires a low
time cost for the ABL flow simulation to keep the students engaged in the classroom.
Thus, the process of DEM capture and CFD modelling were investigated to lower the
time cost while maintaining key features of the ABL flow structure. A mesh-time
sensitivity analysis was also conducted to investigate the tradeoff between the number of
cells inside the mesh and time cost for both meshing process and CFD modelling. This
allows the user to make an informed decision regarding the level of detail desired in the
ABL flow structure by changing the number of cells in the mesh.
There are infinite possible surface topographies which can be created by molding
sand inside the sandbox. Therefore, in addition to keeping the time cost low while
maintaining key features of the ABL flow structure, the meshing process and CFD
modelling are required to be robust to variety of different surface topographies.
To achieve these research objectives, in this thesis, parametrization is done for meshing process and CFD modelling.
The accuracy of the CFD model for ABL flow used in the AeolianBox was
qualitatively validated with airflow profiles captured in the Trent Environmental Wind
Tunnel (TEWT) at Trent University using the Laser Doppler Anemometer (LDA). Three
simple geometries namely a hemisphere, cube and a ridge were selected since they are
well studied in academia. The CFD model was scaled to the dimensions of the grid where
the airflow was captured in TEWT. The boundary conditions were also kept the same as
the model used in the AeolianBox.
The ABL flow is simulated by using software like OpenFoam and Paraview to
build and visualize a CFD model. The AeolianBox is interactive and capable of detecting
hands using the Kinect camera which allows a user to interact and change the topography
of the sandbox in real time. The AeolianBox's software built for this thesis uses only
opensource tools and is accessible to anyone with an existing hardware model of its
Author Keywords: Augmented Reality, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Kinect Projector Calibration, OpenFoam, Paraview