Nasca, Tessa Frances

Active Neighbourhoods Canada: Evaluating approaches to participatory planning for active transportation in Peterborough, Ontario

Creator (cre): Nasca, Tessa Frances, Thesis advisor (ths): Hill, Stephen, Degree committee member (dgc): Changfoot, Nadine, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This research considers the historic context of power that planning operates within, and looks at the ways in which certain community members are marginalized by traditional planning processes. Participatory planning, which has theoretical roots in communicative planning theory, may have the potential to shift the legacy of power and marginalization within planning processes, resulting in improved planning outcomes, more social cohesion, and a higher quality of urban life. I used a community-based research approach to evaluate approaches to participatory urban planning in Peterborough, Ontario. I worked with a community-based active transportation planning project called the Stewart Street Active Neighbourhoods Canada project. This thesis evaluates the participatory planning approaches employed in the project, and determines if they are effective methods of engaging marginalized community members in planning. The research also identifies the professional benefits of participatory planning, and examines the barriers and enablers to incorporating participatory approaches into municipal planning processes. Finally, I developed a set of recommendations to implement participatory planning approaches more broadly in the city of Peterborough, Ontario.

Author Keywords: active transportation, communicative planning theory, community-based research, community engagment, participatory planning, public participation