Trent Centre for Community Based Education
The community bake oven feasibility study: a report on establishing a community outdoor bake oven in Peterborough, Ontario
The results of this survey were, by and large, successful - a point that is well illustrated by the high number of respondents that the survey received. A total of 44 individuals participated in the survey, with response rates varying according to each respective professional category.
Laws and legal implications of public protest
Working in conjunction with the Council of Canadians as well as OPIRG Peterborough, the object of this research project was to determine the laws and legal implications surrounding public protest as well as what information in regards to these laws needs to be clarified. How the laws have changed in the past 20 years and what went wrong in the Toronto 2010 G20 summit were also questions of interest in this research project.
No-sweat: globalization, neoliberalism and social movements
Community-based education: the effects of TCCBE and U-links projects on host organizations and communities
Despite the popularity of community-based education (CBE), the effects of CBE projects on host organizations and their targeted communities have not been well examined. The Trent Centre for Community Based Education (TCCBE) and U-links have facilitated more than 1000 projects since the 1990s in [sic] Peterborough and Haliburton area [sic].
Gamiing Nature Centre: wetlands traveling exhibit
The purpose of this project was to develop and create a design manual that will be used to construct an interactive traveling exhibit for Gamiing Nature Centre. Approaches used to gather information on components of effective exhibits and content for the exhibit included textual analysis, oral interviews, and critical analysis of existing exhibits.