Rennie, Michael

Regional diet and isotopic niche of predatory fish following a regime shift in Lake Huron

Creator (cre): Taylor, Courtney Erin, Thesis advisor (ths): Dunlop, Erin S, Degree committee member (dgc): Lauzon, Ryan, Degree committee member (dgc): Raby, Graham, Degree committee member (dgc): Rennie, Michael, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Lake Huron's food web has experienced drastic changes in response to multiple stressors including declines in offshore productivity, decreased trophic transfer efficiency and a transformation of the benthic food web. However, how these changes have affected the diets and isotopic niches of predatory fish is largely unexplored. My diet study analysed stomach contents from five predatory fish species (lake trout, lake whitefish, chinook salmon, rainbow trout, and walleye) from the Ontario waters of Lake Huron. My isotopic study focused on lake trout and lake whitefish, based on community concerns that recovering lake trout are competing with or consuming lake whitefish. By contrast, I found that lake whitefish were a minimal component of lake trout diets, and the diet and isotopic overlap between these two species was low overall, but varied regionally. Both the dietary and isotope analyses reflect the high regional diversity of energy sources used by predatory fish.

Author Keywords: Food web, Isotopic Niche, Lake Huron, Predator-prey, Regime shift, Regional Energy Sources