Roe, Jack

Trent Voices Episode 28: Jack Roe

Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): Roe, Jack, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association

Jack Roe has been an on air presence for CBC Radio, 680 NEWS, CKPT (now Energy 99.7) and (back in 1973-5) Trent Radio, where this interview took place. The conversation ranges across his 40+ year career in radio and captures memories from the magical to the manic: from interviews with Chris Hadfield to interviews with a guy who traveled North America blowing himself up at county fairs, from carving out community radio to almost getting arrested in pre-unification Germany. Roe also gives a glimpse behind the scenes of the one of the most demanding radio studios in Canada, and then offers views on the state of modern radio ~ as well as advice for media studies/journalism students on how they can find their own way in the shifting media landscape.\n\nIt's an honest, intimate, and often humorous conversation that shines the light on an individual who is much more used to shining the light on others.,Original location: