Trent University Alumni Association (Creator)

Trent Voices: Athena Reich Subverts Lady Gaga

Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): Reich, Athena, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association (Creator)

Chatelaine Magazine recently named Athena Reich the "World's Top Lady Gaga Impersonator." But to label her an impersonator would tell only a fraction of the story. Reich, a talented artist in her own right, subverts Gaga with her own unique brand of feminist and queer music and drama – going so far as to incorporate her own pregnancy into a show called #ARTBIRTH, where Gaga delivers a baby live on stage.\n\nHow Gaga is Reich?\n\nBillboard Magazine once printed a photo of her, mistakenly thinking it was Gaga. Then there's the fact that Gaga herself tweeted in support of Reich's work.\n\nIn 2015 she starred as Lady Gaga in #ARTBIRTH at the Laurie Beechman Theater in NYC, which received multiple run extensions and a Time Out Critic's pick. \n\nReich is hardly limited to her impersonator role. As a singer/songwriter, she has released 5 full-length albums and numerous singles. Her music videos have charted #1 on MTV LOGO and her song "Love is Love" won Best Pop Song at the Outmusic Awards. \n\nAs an actress, her credits include While Collar, The Perfect Murder, "An Evening with Donald Kempinski" (Little Fella Films), "Hush: Inside the Waiting Womb" (LA / NY).\n \nHer music can be bought on iTunes or streamed on Spotify.