Electronic Thesis or Dissertation

Fish datapoints

Creator (cre): Jermilova, Una

Freshwater datapoints

Creator (cre): Jermilova, Una

Netica model for GSL region

Creator (cre): Jermilova, Una

Netica model for GBS region

Creator (cre): Jermilova, Una

Half-Drowned Texts A (re)Vision of Print Colonialism and Publishing for the Postcolonial Text

Creator (cre): Williams, Justine-Marie Elizabeth, Thesis advisor (ths): Bode, Rita, Degree committee member (dgc): Bruusgaard, Emily, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Through an exploration of shared stories, hauntings and the sea, this study outlines the idea that an ideological shift is a necessary first step to address the impact of colonialism in the publishing industry. This thesis draws sustained attention to the ways in which colonialism has an inextricable material effect on the publishing industry, and focuses on the myriad ways this past material and ideological holdovers shape the frameworks of book production. The vestiges of colonialism continue to be carried forward as a constitutive element of the present, creating a complex situation of material forces and conditions that need to be negotiated to create a more inclusive and diverse literary landscape that accurately reflects the experiences and voices of marginalised communities.Referring to something both subtler and more apparent than reformation, this thesis argues that a shift in ideology is necessary to address the impact of colonialism on literary culture. The shift proposed by this thesis is inspired by the ocean, specifically the Caribbean Sea. As it invites a rethinking of traditional capitalist publishing practices by acknowledging the historical limitations and systemic inequalities at the emergence of postcolonial West Indian literature. This shift involves moving towards alternative literary production and study that are more generative, appreciative, and beneficial to minoritised groups whose histories make themselves known in the present, inscribed into our stories in an accumulation of tides.

Author Keywords: Hauntology, literary situation, Postcolonial literature, Tidalectics, West Indian Literature


An Ethnoarchaeology of Animal Use in Classical Bagan, Myanmar

Creator (cre): Tucker, Cory, Thesis advisor (ths): Iannone, Gyles GI, Degree committee member (dgc): Macrae, Scott SM, Degree committee member (dgc): Morin, Eugène EM, Degree committee member (dgc): Conrad, Cyler CC, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

The aim of this thesis is to explore the human/animal relationship at the walled and moated shwe myo taw, or "royal golden city," at the ancient Burmese capital of Bagan, Myanmar, which flourished from the 11th – 14th centuries CE, in the ecological area known as Myanmar's Central Dry Zone. This thesis achieves its objectives by applying an ethnoarchaeological based research strategy, examining the human/animal relationship within ten contemporary yet traditional villages, and house compounds, surrounding the remains of the ancient capital city. The traditional villages include Thae Pyin Taw, Shwe Hlaing, Zee Oo, Kon Sin Kyi, Kon Tan Gyi, Minnanthu, Hpauck Sein Pin, Thuhtaykan, East Pwa Saw, and West Pwa Saw. The premise of this thesis is that through a better understanding of the material correlates of human/animal relationships in the traditional villages of today can help settlement archaeologists interpret specific aspects of the archaeological record that may relate to these same types of relationships in the past. This study is part of the broader Integrated Socio-Ecological History for Residential Patterning, Agricultural Practices, and Water Management at the Medieval Burmese Capital of Bagan, Myanmar project (IRAW@Bagan).

Author Keywords: Animal-human relationship, Archaeology, Bagan, Ethnoarchaeology, Myanmar, Zooarchaeology


A Cultural History of the Book Cover

Creator (cre): Talibli, Parviz, Thesis advisor (ths): Junyk, Ihor I, Degree committee member (dgc): de Zwaan, Victoria V, Degree committee member (dgc): Bérard, Sylvie S, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This dissertation offers a historical look at the book cover as a material object of particular significance. As a part of the bibliographical tradition, the cover binds the book not only to its reader, but also to the culture that gives it meaning. Consequently, by chronologically reviewing the book cover through a mix of historical and fictional accounts, this study had as its goal to affirm the difficulty of judging the book cover without knowing its social history. The first project of this study takes the elaborately decorated bindings of Medieval manuscripts as the origin point for the modern book cover and retraces the attitudes and approaches to the book cover through the accounts of printers, binders, readers and collectors. The definition of the book cover then emerges as the result of the discursive dialogue between the material and aesthetic concerns of the book paratext. The second project expands the scope of the study from book covers made for Bibles and religious texts to the mechanical production of commercially defined gift books and aesthetic volumes. Looking at the book cover both as an object and a cultural agent, the discussion focuses on challenges readers go through in attempting to bring the meaning of the cover under their subjective control. Finally, the third project focuses on the twentieth century and the development of mass and artistic forms of designing and reading the book cover. Here, special attention is given to the similarities and differences between two main forms of books, hardbacks and paperbacks, as they continue to collaborate and compete in producing the most effective cover paradigm. The final section presents a brief summary of the dissertation and concludes with a brief projection about the future role and functions of the book cover.

Author Keywords: book cover, cultural history, design history, dust jacket, Oscar Wilde, Virginia Woolf


Electrochemical and Surface Analysis of Metal Ions and TDP-43 Protein Interactions

Creator (cre): Tabobondung, Meaghan O. F., Thesis advisor (ths): Martic, Sanela, Degree committee member (dgc): Emery, Neil, Degree committee member (dgc): Huber, Robert, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive loss in function of motor neurons. Elevated levels of biologically important metal ions, such as copper (II) (Cu(II)), zinc (II) (Zn(II)) or iron (III) (Fe(III)), may contribute to the disease. Moreover, Cu(II) interactions with other proteins associated with ALS have been investigated; however, the effects of metallation on TAR DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (TDP-43) are less known. The aim of the thesis was to evaluate interactions between full-length TDP-43 and metal ions, and gain insight into the mechanisms of these interactions. In Chapter 2, electrochemical methods were used to evaluate the coordination of Cu(II) ions to immobilized TDP-43. Cu(II)-TDP-43 binding was favourable at a neutral pH. Surface characterization confirmed protein immobilization and Cu(II)-TDP-43 coordination. Competitive Zn(II) ion binding studies revealed Zn(II) increases Cu(II) binding. In Chapter 3, Fe(III) ion binding studies revealed that Fe(III) reduces Cu(II) binding when co-exposed to the TDP-43-Au surface. Data shows significant uptake of Cu(II) by TDP-43 protein which may have important implications in normal and diseased states of TDP-43, indicating surface bioelectrochemistry is a viable tool for fundamental exploration of proteins and metals, and their interactions, as they inform disease mechanisms, disease detection and drug screening.

Author Keywords: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, bioelectrochemistry, electrochemistry, metalloprotein, surface characterization, TDP-43


Non-industrial wood ash chemistry and its biogeochemical effects on sugar maple (Acer saccharum, Marsh.) in three central Ontario sugar-bushes

Creator (cre): Syeda, Batool, Thesis advisor (ths): Watmough, Shaun SW, Degree committee member (dgc): Yan, Norman NY, Degree committee member (dgc): Eimers, Catherine CE, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Nutrient losses from forest soils caused by decades of acid deposition and intensive tree harvesting have affected tree growth and forest health in North America and Europe. Non-industrial wood ash (NIWA), a substance rich in macronutrients, may be a potential remediation strategy to return lost nutrients to forest. However, the chemical composition of NIWA and its effects on soil and tree growth are poorly understood. This thesis evaluated the chemical variability of non-industrial wood ash, and its short-term effects on soil properties, sugar maple (Acer saccharum) foliar chemistry, tree growth, and understory vegetation community composition at three sugar bushes in Muskoka, Ontario. The chemical analysis of NIWA samples obtained from the residents of Muskoka, showed that NIWA contains high levels of macro nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium and contains relatively low concentrations of trace metals. Ash mixtures amalgamated in the field were relatively homogenous in their chemical composition and metal concentrations were generally below Ontario NASM regulation guidelines for land application. Concentrations of copper and zinc exceeded CM1 guidelines, however, were always below restricted metals land application limits (CM2). Ten months after NIWA application to three sugar bush sites, soil pH and exchangeable base cations increased significantly in the litter and FH horizons at all treatment plots compared with control plots. Few treatment effects were recorded for the surface (0 – 10 cm) mineral horizon, with only potassium increasing in mineral soil at all three study sites. Elevated concentrations of most metals and metalloids (aluminum (Al), boron (B), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn)) were recorded in soil at all treatment plots, however these effects were generally restricted to the litter horizon. Diagnosis and recommendation integrated system analysis (DRIS) conducted on the sugar maple foliage indicated that potassium was the most limiting nutrient at all three study sites, and significant increases were recorded in foliar potassium concentrations ten months after ash application in sapling and mature trees at all treatment plots. Increases in foliar calcium and magnesium concentrations were small and variable amongst the study sites. No significant treatment effects of NIWA application were observed on sugar maple tree growth two years after ash application, while changes in understory composition were generally limited, but these also varied among sites.

Author Keywords: Acer saccharum, Base cations, Calcium decline, Forest soil amendment, non-industrial wood ash, Trace metals


For the Road. Towards a definition of Counterculture

Creator (cre): Svenbro, François Carl, Thesis advisor (ths): Junyk, Ihor, Thesis advisor (ths): Epp, Michael, Degree committee member (dgc): Bordo, Jonathan, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

For the Road is a study of the modes of transmission of ideas within the Counterculture in its different forms. It is a genealogy of movements that define themselves "against" what is established as "Culture". The philosophy of the Beat Generation does not come out of nowhere and in turn, many recent movements are indebted to the Beat Generation. The goal of this dissertation is to formulate a theory of Counterculture as a whole using various "lenses" such as Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies. The foundation of the argument starts with the Beat Generation. The Beats, often perceived as the founding fathers of the Counterculture had predecessors. The first parts of this dissertation deal with the idea of transmission and the way the Beats reformulated the ideas of their predecessors to make these ideas relevant again in the context of the mid-twentieth century. The dissertation then deals with the successors of the Beats who themselves reformulated the ideas that the Beats had once "re-invented" in the context of the late twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first. The dissertation then shifts to a much wider understanding of the notion of Counterculture. The Counterculture has always existed and its incarnations have either faded away or have been co-opted by the impersonal forces of mainstream Culture. The last part of the dissertation, the creative writing project, is an attempt to re-create a Counterculture, one that would always have the potential to be born again while remaining free from the shackles of mainstream Culture. This last part puts theory into practice, using such concepts as Barthes' death of the author and Proudhon's reinvention of the concept of property, including intellectual property.

Author Keywords: Counterculture, Ginsberg, Influence, Kerouac, Outsiders, Revolution