Educational Studies

History Story Majors During the Humanities Crisis: A Case Study of Professors, Students, and Professional Staff Associated with a History Department

Creator (cre): Capell, Dana, Thesis advisor (ths): Smale, William, Degree committee member (dgc): Bruce, Cathy, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This qualitative case study explored the experience of members and associates of

one university history department in order to examine the phenomena of choosing and

working within the history major in the context of current declines in humanities

enrolment. Drawing on interviews with 7 professors, 8 student majors, and 10

professional staff, it analyzed beliefs about how students should choose their majors,

benefits of historical thinking, the current climate of crisis in history, and resources to

support history students. Participants agreed that students should choose a major based on

intrinsic factors and shared a common vision of the meaning and importance of historical

thinking. However, participants experienced tension between these intrinsic values and

extrinsic pressures regarding the humanities crisis and the efficacy of student-support

resources. These results have implications for understanding pressures felt by current

humanities students and for developing new resources to better support history majors.

Author Keywords: case study, choice of major, historical thinking, history department, humanities crisis, student affairs


Teacher Efficacy as an Indicator of how Mathematics Educators Perceive the Value of Professional Learning Experiences

Creator (cre): Kolodzinski, Tyler Michael, Thesis advisor (ths): Bruce, Catherine D, Degree committee member (dgc): Bruce, Catherine, Degree committee member (dgc): Suurtamm, Christine, Degree committee member (dgc): Smale, William, Degree committee member (dgc): Mooney, Claire, Degree committee member (dgc): Niblett, Blair, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This study investigates the potential for a responsive model of professional development in mathematics education which acknowledges how teachers perceive the value of professional learning, and examines how those perceptions are connected to teacher efficacy. Three fields of educational research ground this study: (i) professional development strategies in mathematics education, (ii) teacher efficacy, and (iii) self-determination theory and andragogy. Data collection and analysis involved four detailed case studies and a cross-case analysis of similarities and distinctions among the cases, in an instrumental-multiple-case study design. Results suggest: (1) some characteristics of professional development were consistently designated as high or low value, independent of efficacy ratings, (2) other professional learning experiences were valued relative to the participants' sense of efficacy at different times in their careers, and (3) characteristics of professional development designated as high value during periods of low efficacy were fundamentally teacher-centric, but during periods of high efficacy, they were fundamentally student-centric.

Author Keywords: efficacy, mathematics education, mathematics teachers, professional development, professional learning, teacher efficacy


The Experiences of Seven Deaf & Hard-of-Hearing Alumni of Ontario's Education System

Creator (cre): Laton, Teresa Mary, Thesis advisor (ths): Niblett, Blair, Degree committee member (dgc): Mooney, Claire, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Through narrative/life story research this study explores the educational experiences of six individuals identified as Deaf or hard-of-hearing. The research presented will be conveyed in the form of an autoethnography, an approach to research and writing that seeks to describe and analyze personal experience to understand cultural experience. I will combine the views of participants who have been part of the Ontario Public School System within the last 10-15 years (2004-2019), with my own educational experience, learning with hearing loss. In this study, three interrelated concepts—student engagement, motivation, and resilience—are examined through the lens of "mindsets." Mindsets are "assumptions that we possess about ourselves and others that guide our behaviour" (Brooks, 2012, p. 1). The research reviewed in this paper, shows that students' beliefs about their academic ability can influence their academic tenacity. Academic tenacity refers to the mindsets and skills that enable students to: establish long-term goals and persevere in the face of adversity. I illuminate some of the systemic factors which impact the mindsets of students who are Deaf and hard-of-hearing. The design lies within the qualitative spectrum; data were gathered and analyzed from open-ended interviews conducted with purposively selected participants.

Author Keywords: Academic Tenacity, Autoethnography, Deaf, Education, Hard-of-Hearing, Mindsets


This Is It, I Guess: Creating a Forward-Thinking Queer Narrative by Examining Early and Current Examples

Creator (cre): Loucks, Ben, Thesis advisor (ths): Pendleton Jiminez, Karleen, Degree committee member (dgc): McGuire, Kelly, Degree committee member (dgc): Handlarski, Denise, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Queer youth are an at-risk group, with an incredibly high rate of harm and death as they grow into themselves. They are often advised to wait until they finish school to express their sexuality more openly, when they can leave to somewhere that is "better", which in this context can mean safer, more accepting, or far away from friends and family who may reject them. Unfortunately, much of the media representation of queer people is regressive or stereotypical, usually involving the suffering or death of its queer-identified characters. It is telling that a recurring theme in queer stories is that empathy and understanding for queer people can only be attained through their suffering. Non-queer people do not have to suffer to be understood. In this thesis I discuss the potential of creativity in academic works, I examine queer stories that buck the trend of tragedy through queer and pop culture theory, and I write a queer young adult novel in response, featuring a self-actualized protagonist whose sexuality does not cause him pain or trauma.

Author Keywords: creative writing, queer literature, queer protagonist, queer theory, queer youth, young adult literature


Enhancing interpretive trails with technology: The value of a smartphone-guided interpretive trail

Creator (cre): Lake, Whitney Anne, Thesis advisor (ths): Elliott, Paul, Degree committee member (dgc): Niblett, Blair, Degree committee member (dgc): Hill, Stephen, Degree committee member (dgc): Pendleton Jimenez, Karleen, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Enhancing interpretive trails with smartphone technology may enrich the visitor's educational experience by stimulating deeper engagement and enjoyment that will improve immediate knowledge and help promote the development of environmental literacy. This connection between technology and environmental education can only be considered successful if enhanced enrichment and educational value is found in the integration. Currently there is a substantial gap in research on the incorporation of technology into an interpretive trail experience. For this study, information on the local fauna and flora was produced and linked to Quick Response Codes (QR codes) installed along an outdoor trail. The QR codes were designed to be read using the participant's personal smartphone. Immediately after completing the trail participants could volunteer to describe their smartphone-led experience through a self-administered cross-sectional questionnaire offered in hard copy at the study site. A non-experimental quantitative research methodology was employed to evaluate the survey data and determine the educational and enjoyment value of the experience. This research is of potential benefit to educators of science, technology and the environment. The research may also assist parks and recreation facilities wishing to offset the costs of building and maintaining traditional interpretive trails by eliminating the need for the printing of booklets, maps and signage.

Author Keywords: education, environment, interpretive trails, science, smartphone technology


Mapping a Learning Trajectory and Student Outcomes in Unplugged Coding: A Mixed Methods Study on Young Children's Mathematics and Spatial Reasoning

Creator (cre): Flynn, Tara Cathaleen, Thesis advisor (ths): Bruce, Catherine D., Degree committee member (dgc): Ballantyne, Peri, Degree committee member (dgc): Mooney, Claire, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This thesis reports the outcomes of a mixed methods exploratory study on young children's spatial reasoning and mathematics involving unplugged (offline) coding with young children (JK-Grade 2). Intrigued by the increased push for coding in schools, teachers and researchers worked together in a collaborative research process to design a sequence of unplugged coding activities and document student thinking. Qualitative results include the mapping of a hypothetical learning trajectory for unplugged coding focused on location and movement, as well as an analysis of the computational, spatial and mathematical thinking in unplugged coding. The grid was found to be a fundamental spatial structure that supported student thinking across all domains. Quantitative data included a range of spatial and mathematics measures that were administered pre-post with a subsample of 55 students. Findings showed strongest gains in mental rotations/visualization and magnitude comparison, suggesting this as a promising area for further study.

Author Keywords: Early Years, Learning Trajectories, Spatial Reasoning, Unplugged Coding, Young Children


Reconciliation as Relationship: Reframing Settler Understanding of Reconciliation in Canada

Creator (cre): Telford, Sherry, Thesis advisor (ths): Pendleton-Jiménez, Karleen, Degree committee member (dgc): Young, Kelly, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

In 2015, Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission called upon Canadians to reconcile relationships between Settlers and Indigenous peoples in Canada. Education for reconciliation is one important element of this process. However, critical questions arise when education is undertaken by and for Settlers such as myself: Are our undertakings actually fostering reconciliation? According to whom? Drawing from reconciliation theory and decolonizing Indigenous methodologies, a reconciliation methodology is created to consider this question in the context of three reconciliation workshops for Settlers. Indigenous perspectives and pedagogies are prioritized. The emerging understandings of reconciliation as relationship and relationship as pedagogy reframe some prevailing Settler thinking about reconciliation, unmask latent assumptions linked to the colonial habits of mind and affirm the need for personal responsibility in the reconciliation relationship. The Indigenous norm of learning in-relation is found to be a powerful experience for Settlers participants offering valuable insights for reconciliation education in Canada.

Author Keywords: decolonizing, education, Indigenous, relationship, Settler, Truth and Reconciliation


Resistance Revisited: How Student Activism around the PCVS School Closure Influenced Youths' Life Experiences, Views on Power, Political Engagement, and Personal Agency

Creator (cre): Cristall, Ferne, Thesis advisor (ths): Iannacci, Luigi, Degree committee member (dgc): Niblett, Blair, Degree committee member (dgc): Pendleton Jimenez, Karleen, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This study examines how student activism around the closure of Peterborough Collegiate and Vocational School (PCVS), an inner-city school in a medium–sized Ontario town has influenced youths' life experiences, views on power, political engagement, and personal agency. Following a critical narrative methodology, this qualitative study, conducted four to five years after the school closure, focuses on interviews with fourteen participants who were part of the high-school group Raiders in Action and explores both what they learned from their protest and its influence on their lives over the ensuing years. The study identifies the researcher's subjective position as a teacher and an adult in solidarity with the group's work. Critical pedagogy, critical youth studies, and feminist approaches inform the researcher's perspective. This project is inspired by an image of young people as citizens who actively challenge and change educational institutions to create a more participatory democracy in our city, country, continent, planet.

Author Keywords: critical pedagogy, critical youth resistance, neoliberalism, school closure, student activism, youth organizing


Towards a Critical Pedagogy of Globality: A Rhizo-Narrative Journey into the Global Self of the Teacher

Creator (cre): Mullins, Peter, Thesis advisor (ths): Niblett, Blair, Degree committee member (dgc): Allen, Andrew, Degree committee member (dgc): Berrill, Deborah, Degree committee member (dgc): Handlarski, Denise, Degree committee member (dgc): Pendleton Jimenez, Karleen, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

In this thesis, I use "Trump's Wall" between Mexico and the US to resist Eurocentrism and the challenges Eurocentric pedagogy poses to the research-practitioner. In my method, I reimagine C. Alejandra Elenes' borderlands theory as a zone of empowerment within a multicultural Canadian classroom, and braid it in a hybrid assemblage with the rhizome.

The "rhizo-borderlands" assemblage uses selected field notes gleaned from my teaching practice to develop themes of a critical pedagogy of globality in personal, local and international dimensions. These are further braided with a "day-in-the-life" narrative of a fictionalized student (Ellie) who navigates her way towards a world literature classroom where the focus is The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.

This assemblage affirms my belief that teaching and learning provides a context where students become "border crossers" and navigate points of intersection between their local and global selves, in order to develop intercultural competencies.

Author Keywords: Action Narrative, Critical Pedagogy, Rhizomes


Farmer knowledge exchange about climate change adaptation in the Peterborough region of Southern Ontario

Creator (cre): Noyes, Indra, Thesis advisor (ths): Elliott, Paul, Thesis advisor (ths): Hutchinson, Tom, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Agricultural adaptation is a significant component of the larger challenge humans face in adapting to the impacts of climate change. There are extensive studies of agricultural adaptation, however little is known about how farmers in Ontario share knowledge about effective adaptation practices. This qualitative research study contributes to the understanding of the educational context within which Ontario farmers meet the demands of extreme weather on their farms. The research investigates how farmers exchange knowledge about climate change adaptation. Eight semi-structured interviews were conducted in the context of a grounded theory research approach and coded according to the systematic design. Results suggest that knowledge transfer is two-fold: farmers adapt to stresses through experimentation and engage in knowledge exchange through informal and non-institutional formal education. This study outlines the mechanisms by which adaptation and knowledge transfer occur. Implications of the research are discussed in relation to academic literature and policy.

Author Keywords: agricultural adaptation, Climate change, education, farming, grounded theory research, knowledge exchange