Egan, Kelly

Untitled (dissertation 4.2)

Creator (cre): Hines, Kelly Dorothea, Thesis advisor (ths): Hollinger, Veronica, Degree committee member (dgc): Junyk, Ihor, Degree committee member (dgc): Egan, Kelly, Degree committee member (dgc): Cecchetto, David, Degree committee member (dgc): Howes, Moira, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Untitled (dissertation 4.2) offers a performative take on the political implications of digital archives. I argue that technological developments and their increasing ubiquity has not resulted in more reliable archives; it has facilitated the exacerbation of what Jacques Derrida calls mal d'archive—or archive fever—which refers to the institutionally supported passion to preserve that is perpetually threatened by the inevitably of loss. A performative perspective, specifically derived from the work of contemporary performance theorists and artists, affords a contemporary archival practice that not only accepts, but is informed by mal d'archive because it shifts the focus from what is preserved to how it has become and continues to be preservable through archival acts. This is important in our contemporary moment because the ubiquity of digital technologies has exacerbated the symptoms of mal d'archive: a rapid increase in both the formal and informal production of preservable content, and consequently, as Derrida reminds us, archival violence.

Untitled (dissertation 4.2) also includes a performative engagement with mal d'archive through two interludes. The first interlude features what I am calling "glitch-utterances," which refers to the visual representations of technological mishaps. The documents in the second interlude—an iteration of the exhibition catalogue that resulted from my 2020 artist residency at the Art Gallery of Peterborough—engage with the productive function of the archive because they performatively constitute the exhibition as having happened regardless of whether or not it actually occurred, which, significantly, it did not.

I conclude Untitled (dissertation 4.2) with a look at the ecological impact of digital archives—perhaps an "ecological fever." It is not my intention to offer a solution for this "ecological fever," nor address its full impact. My aim is to conclude this dissertation with a supplement of sorts: a look at the ecological impact of digital archives because I feel it is irresponsible not to given their increasing ubiquity. With this in mind, the glitch-utterances featured in both interludes can perform an important role in calling attention to the technological materialities and computational processes that are rendered invisible by Big Tech companies via metaphors—the ethereal Cloud metaphor, for example. These glitch-utterances point to the very material substrates that support the virtual, and can thus act as an important reminder of the ecological consequences of digital archives, which, like archival practices, are tied to institutional agendas.

Author Keywords: Archive , Curation , Digital Archive, Documentation, Multimedia performance, Performativity


Critical Topographies of two films: Aura, Temporality, and Place in El Sol del Membrillo and Rivers and Tides

Creator (cre): Allwood, Mark, Thesis advisor (ths): Bordo, Jonathan, Thesis advisor (ths): Holdsworth, David, Degree committee member (dgc): Egan, Kelly, Degree committee member (dgc): Junyk, Ihor, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

The following thesis is a work in Critical Topography that choses as its site of study two documentary films. The films being studied are El Sol del Membrillo by Victor Erice and Rivers and Tides by Thomas Riedelsheimer. My approach to critical topography in the thesis is twofold: first, I have traced the topical motifs that have appeared to me as I looked at the two films; second, I have translated the films into writing –with the purpose of creating a sourcebook for my analysis- thus bounding the visual content of the films into the delineated space of the written word. I have sought in my analysis to make visible the numerous conceptual, aesthetic, and philosophical notions that are repeated in each film. These notions include materiality, formal operations, temporality, memory, and failure. All of which are ideas that find expression - despite their significant differences - in both documentary films.

Author Keywords: Art, Critical Topography, Film Studies, Land Art, Painting, Time


Time, Being, and the Image

Creator (cre): Potempski, Jacob, Thesis advisor (ths): Angelova, Emilia, Degree committee member (dgc): Egan, Kelly, Degree committee member (dgc): Penney, James, Degree committee member (dgc): Junyk, Ihor, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

The three projects that make up this dissertation try to articulate an ontological idea of art; which is to say, they all approach art, or the imagination (as in project two), from the standpoint of a philosophical question concerning the sense of being. The ontological question is elaborated in terms of a theory of the spatial-temporal structure of the aesthetic or sensible realm. This kind of ontology contrasts with a more traditional metaphysical one, where the sense of being is sought within the purely intelligible realm, a realm that transcends the sensible. In projects one and two, the contrast is developed in terms of the Nietzschean/Heideggerian critique of metaphysics, and through the work of Jean-Luc Nancy, who appropriates this critique. In project three, it is developed in terms of Bergson and Deleuze's critique of objective time, or of any attempt to define being and time in terms of what is static and unchanging. Art is central for the ontology at stake here, and the ontology is one of art, because it is a matter of questioning the spatial-temporal being of the sensible, and not the being of the purely intelligible; and because art (as I try to show) is itself essentially concerned with revealing this ontological dimension of the sensible.

Author Keywords: Aesthetics, Art, Being, Fragment, Image, Time