Howes, Moira

Untitled (dissertation 4.2)

Creator (cre): Hines, Kelly Dorothea, Thesis advisor (ths): Hollinger, Veronica, Degree committee member (dgc): Junyk, Ihor, Degree committee member (dgc): Egan, Kelly, Degree committee member (dgc): Cecchetto, David, Degree committee member (dgc): Howes, Moira, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Untitled (dissertation 4.2) offers a performative take on the political implications of digital archives. I argue that technological developments and their increasing ubiquity has not resulted in more reliable archives; it has facilitated the exacerbation of what Jacques Derrida calls mal d'archive—or archive fever—which refers to the institutionally supported passion to preserve that is perpetually threatened by the inevitably of loss. A performative perspective, specifically derived from the work of contemporary performance theorists and artists, affords a contemporary archival practice that not only accepts, but is informed by mal d'archive because it shifts the focus from what is preserved to how it has become and continues to be preservable through archival acts. This is important in our contemporary moment because the ubiquity of digital technologies has exacerbated the symptoms of mal d'archive: a rapid increase in both the formal and informal production of preservable content, and consequently, as Derrida reminds us, archival violence.

Untitled (dissertation 4.2) also includes a performative engagement with mal d'archive through two interludes. The first interlude features what I am calling "glitch-utterances," which refers to the visual representations of technological mishaps. The documents in the second interlude—an iteration of the exhibition catalogue that resulted from my 2020 artist residency at the Art Gallery of Peterborough—engage with the productive function of the archive because they performatively constitute the exhibition as having happened regardless of whether or not it actually occurred, which, significantly, it did not.

I conclude Untitled (dissertation 4.2) with a look at the ecological impact of digital archives—perhaps an "ecological fever." It is not my intention to offer a solution for this "ecological fever," nor address its full impact. My aim is to conclude this dissertation with a supplement of sorts: a look at the ecological impact of digital archives because I feel it is irresponsible not to given their increasing ubiquity. With this in mind, the glitch-utterances featured in both interludes can perform an important role in calling attention to the technological materialities and computational processes that are rendered invisible by Big Tech companies via metaphors—the ethereal Cloud metaphor, for example. These glitch-utterances point to the very material substrates that support the virtual, and can thus act as an important reminder of the ecological consequences of digital archives, which, like archival practices, are tied to institutional agendas.

Author Keywords: Archive , Curation , Digital Archive, Documentation, Multimedia performance, Performativity


Educating the Passions: Human Reincarnation, Reformation, and Redemption in Wuthering Heights

Creator (cre): Hathout, Shahira Adel, Thesis advisor (ths): Bailey, Suzanne, Degree committee member (dgc): Howes, Moira, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

My thesis proposes to uncover what I term an Emilian Philosophy in the reading of Emily Brontë's only novel, and suggests that Wuthering Heights reflects Brontë's vision of a society progressing toward social and spiritual reform. Through this journey, Brontë seeks to conciliate the two contrasting sides of humanity – natural and social – by offering a middle state that willingly incorporates social law without perverting human nature by forcing it to mold itself into an unnatural social system, which in turn leads to a "wholesome" (Gesunde) humanity. While Heathcliff embodies Bronte's view of a primitive stage of humanity, Hareton reincarnates the wholesome state of humanity that balances human natural creativity and cravings with Victorian unrelenting reason. Brontë treats Heathcliff's death as a point in life, in which mankind is emancipated from social constraints and is able to achieve ultimate happiness. This view of death is reassuring as it displaces the anxiety associated with death and separation. My study will highlight the influence of Friedrich Schiller's, Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Philosophical writings and literary works, as well as the influence of the Franciscan Order in Catholicism and its founder St Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals and environment, in framing Bronte's philosophy to propose a social and religious reform anchored in nature.

Author Keywords: Friedrich Schiller, Jean-Jacque Rousseau, Natural Education, Reincarnation and Reformation, St Francis of Assisi, wholesome (Gesunde) humanity, Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë