McFarlane, David Andrew

The Agony of Writing Or Ambivalent Reversal In Baudrillard's Stylistic Metamorphoses

Creator (cre): McFarlane, David Andrew, Thesis advisor (ths): Junyk, Ihor, Thesis advisor (ths): Wernick, Andrew, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Following Baudrillard's conceptual and stylistic shift of the mid-70s, this thesis argues that said shift is accounted for by understanding the ontological quandary Baudrillard found himself in after developing a theoretical agonism impossible to divorce from the practice of writing. By tracing the conceptual metamorphoses of key terms including semiotic ambivalence, symbolic exchange and theoretical writing itself as a total agonistic process, this thesis demonstrates that theory is not reducible to epistemic production but is rather the contentious site of challenge and aesthetic (dis)appearance. Each chapter examines a conceptual tension revealing insoluble, conflicting social forms. These forms reveal the reversibility Baudrillard finds at work in all social phenomena. These culminate in a chapter that tackles Baudrillard's writing itself as a social form that endeavours to embody the agonistic theoretical concept as a process rather than remaining a representation, or commentary on, ambivalent social conflict.

Author Keywords: agonist, ambivalence, Baudrillard, reversibility, style, writing