Thompson, Matthew

The effects of environmental variables and dissolved organic matter characteristics on the diffusion coefficient of dissolved organic matter using diffusive gradients in thin films

Creator (cre): Balch, Jordan, Thesis advisor (ths): Gueguen, Celine, Degree committee member (dgc): Hickey, Brendan, Degree committee member (dgc): Thompson, Matthew, Degree committee member (dgc): Aherne, Julian, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

The efficacy of the diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) passive samplers to provide accurate measurements of free metal ions and those complexed with dissolved organic matter (DOM) was investigated. DOM controls the diffusive properties of DOM-complexed metal species in natural systems. Knowing the diffusion coeiffiecent (D) for DOM of different molecular weights (MW) and the major environmental variables influencing D is critical in developing the use of DGT passive samplers and understanding labile species. D and MW were determined for natural and standard DOM. No noticeable changes in DOM MW were observed during the diffusion process, suggesting that DOM remains intact following diffusion across the diffusive gel. Data analysis revealed that MW had the greatest influence on D, with a negative relationship between D and MW, except in tidal areas where ionic strength influence on D was significant. This study provides further characterization of the variables influencing D using the DGT technique.

Author Keywords: Diffusion coefficient, Diffusive gradients in thin films, Dissolved organic matter, Flow field-flow fractionation, Principal Component Analysis, UV-Vis Spectroscopy


The Effect of Water Surface Simulated Rain Drop Impacts on Water to Air Chemical Transfers of Perfluorinated Carboxylic Acids (PFCAs)

Creator (cre): McInnes, Mark Andrew, Thesis advisor (ths): Ellis, David A, Degree committee member (dgc): Thompson, Matthew, Degree committee member (dgc): Gueguen, Celine, Degree committee member (dgc): Stock, Naomi, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs) are anthropogenic environmentally ubiquitous surfactants that tend to concentrate on water surfaces. This investigation looked at the effect of simulated rain on the atmospheric concentration of a suite of PFCAs (C2 - C12) above the bulk water system. Increased air concentrations of all PFCAs were detected during simulated rain events. Long chain PFCAs (>C8) were found to be much more concentrated in the air above the bulk water system than their short chain counter parts (

Author Keywords: aqueous aerosols, perfluorinated carboxylic acids, surfactants environmental fate, water to air chemical transfer