Aherne, Julian
The biogeochemistry of regreened forests on a mining and smelting degraded landscape
Mining and smelting degraded landscapes are characterised by heavily eroded soils that are acidic, contaminated with toxic metals, and depleted of essential nutrients. Regreening degraded landscapes has been proposed to support global carbon (C) mitigation measures and protect biodiversity. One of the world's largest regreening programs in the City of Greater Sudbury, Canada has been ongoing since 1978 and involves liming and fertilizing selected areas followed by planting primarily jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) and red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) trees. The main objective of this thesis was to improve our understanding of biogeochemistry in the City of Greater Sudbury regreened forests, and to determine how nutrient pools and cycling change as stands age. I established a chronosequence of forested sites between 15–40 years-old and to account for the effects of erosion, each site was categorized as "stable" (<10% bedrock cover) or "eroded" (>30% bedrock cover). Individual tree growth and nutrient accumulation in aboveground biomass (AGB) did not differ between stable and eroded sites and were comparable to rates reported from pine plantations in similar ecozones. Aboveground nitrogen (N) pools were six times larger than N applied in fertilizer, suggesting N limitation is most likely not a concern. Rates of C cycling were generally similar to those measured at unimpacted jack and red pine plantations. The exception being a decrease in mineral soil and aggregate C concentrations. However, at the ecosystem-scale the loss of soil C is trivial in comparison to increases in AGB C pools, leading to an overall increase in total ecosystem C following regreening (550,547 Mg in aboveground C across the 19,649 ha regreening landscape). Litter decomposition rates were higher at the regreening sites using a site-specific litter compared to a general common litter, indicating a home-field advantage for local decomposers. Soil temperature varied at the regreening sites and higher soil temperatures were related to higher rates of soil respiration. The regreening sites are rich in calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg); and while soils were generally poor in phosphorous (P) and potassium (K), foliar concentrations of P and K were comparable to those of "healthy" red pines. Overall, the regreening program appears to have increased tree growth and produced jack and red pine plantations that are biogeochemically similar to conifer plantations unimpacted by over a century of mining and smelting impacts.
Author Keywords: biogeochemistry, degraded landscape, forests, nutrient cycling, regreening, soil carbon
Investigation of Dynamics of Particulate Transport under Varying Climate Conditions
A key knowledge gap in aeolian transport research concerns the adjustment of saltation processes to the extreme conditions found within high-latitude regions. A series of wind tunnel experiments were carried out under full climate control and over a wide range in humidity. Particle entrainment and transport within shearing flows of varied wind speed were monitored over beds of varied temperature, and ice content to determine their affect on 1) particle trajectory, 2) saltation cloud height, 3) particle velocity, 4) surface erosivity, 5) mass transport rate and 6) vertical dust flux. Particles were found to have higher velocities over cold beds than dry beds. With a 3% increase in bed moisture content, a significant increase in particle velocity was measured. Fewer particles are ejected from a bed with moisture than a dry bed. The mass transport rate was measured to be 23% higher at -10 degrees Celsius compared to 30 degrees Celsius.
Author Keywords: Aeolian processes
Trace elements in lake catchments surrounding Iqaluit, Baffin Island, NU
In this study, twenty lake catchments surrounding Iqaluit, Baffin Island, were assessed for trace element concentrations (Al, As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, THg, V, Zn) in lake water, catchment soil, lake sediment, and moss (Hylocomium splendens). Additionally, the sources of each trace element were determined through the positive matrix factorization (PMF) model and enrichment factors (only in moss). Geogenic trace elements had the highest median concentrations (Fe>Al>Mn) throughout the study media and across the study catchments. Anthropogenic trace elements had the lowest median concentrations (Pb>As>Cd>THg) across the lake catchments, which were generally several orders of magnitude lower compared to geogenic elements. The PMF model identified trace elements associated with geogenic or anthropogenic sources, i.e., THg (47%), Cd (40%), Zn (34%), and Al (27%) were identified as originating from industrial emission sources deposited onto lakes because they accounted for a large proportion within the model.
Author Keywords: Arctic lake catchments, Biomonitoring, Enrichment factors, Positive matrix factorization model, Trace elements, Water chemistry
The Influence of Atmospheric Circulation on Snowmelt and Carbon Fluxes in the Canadian Low Arctic
This study examines the atmospheric (synoptic) controls on snowmelt and snow-free season carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes at Daring Lake, Northwest Territories. Atmospheric circulation patterns were derived from 500 hPa geopotential height and classified using the self-organizing maps artificial neural network. Snowmelt timing was not found to be influenced by atmospheric circulation patterns or large-scale teleconnection indices, but a shift from meridional to zonal atmospheric circulation marked the transition from pre-melt to melt period. Multiple linear regression identified heating degree days and incoming solar radiation as the most important meteorological predictors of melt length; however, the model would have benefitted from additional variables. Analysis of CO2 (net ecosystem exchange, NEE) during the snow-free season highlighted a strong correlation between NEE and temperature anomalies. Like the snowmelt period, no atmospheric circulation patterns were found to significantly influence NEE; however, these findings prompt further questions regarding snowmelt and CO2 fluxes in the Canadian low Arctic.
Author Keywords: atmospheric circulation, carbon fluxes, net ecosystem exchange, self-organizing maps, snowmelt, synoptic patterns
Organic Matter and Total Mercury in Acid-Sensitive Lakes in Ireland
The following study measured dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total mercury (THg) concentrations in acid sensitive lakes in the Republic of Ireland. Sixty-eight upland lakes and 48 lowland lakes were sampled for DOC; the upland lakes were additionally sampled for THg. Spatial variability of DOC was explained by regional precipitation and soil organic matter. A subset of lakes was tested for long-term trends and in contrast to reports of rising DOC in European surface waters, changes in DOC were minor. Spatial variability in THg was explained by DOC and organic matter aromaticity. Long-term THg concentrations increased, likely caused by inputs of terrestrial THg. A subset of lakes was sampled for sediment and soil and the results suggested soils drove THg variation in lake water and sediment. Lake water and sediment THg was low and consistent with background regions, while soil THg was relatively high due to high organic content.
Author Keywords: Dissolved Organic Carbon, Lakes, Organic Matter, Soil, Total Mercury, Water
Abundance and Distribution of Microplastics in Lake Scugog Catchment, Ontario
Plastic pollution is a growing concern, owing to its durability, ubiquity, and potential health impacts. The overall objective of this study was to assess the abundance and distribution of microplastics within Lake Scugog catchment, Ontario. This was fulfilled through two tasks (i) the development of a microplastic particle budget for the lake catchment, and (ii) the determination of the dry deposition of atmospheric microplastics in Port Perry, Ontario. The total input of microplastics into Lake Scugog (atmospheric deposition and stream inflow) was 2491 x106 mp/day, while the output (lake outflow and sedimentation) was 1761 x106 mp/day, suggesting that 29% of inputs were retained in the lake. The dry deposition of microplastics in Port Perry was 1257 mp/m2/day, which was high when compared to bulk deposition (37 mp/m2/day) in the same area. By quantifying the major pathways of microplastics better management techniques can be implemented.
Author Keywords: Catchment, Dry Deposition, Microplastics, Ontario, Particle Budget, Plastic pollution
Composition and Transformation of Dissolved Organic Matter in Hudson Bay, Canada
The Hudson Bay region is a sensitive environment, where anthropogenic (e.g., dams, diversions, and/or reservoirs) impacts have increased in recent decades, potentially influencing the functioning of the ecosystem. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) entering Hudson Bay comes from both terrestrial (allochthonous) and aquatic (autochthonous) sources. The chemical composition of DOM is important, as it controls carbon biogeochemistry, nutrient cycling, and heat exchange. In rivers, estuaries, and oceans, photochemical processes and microbial degradation play a significant role in the chemical composition of DOM. Yet, our knowledge is scarce into how photochemical and microbial processes effect DOM composition specifically in Arctic aquatic systems making it difficult to predict how the carbon cycle will respond to a changing environment. This Ph.D. thesis addresses: (1) the composition of photochemically altered autochthonous and allochthonous DOM; (2) the photochemical transformations of DOM in surface waters of Hudson Bay; and (3) the microbial transformations of DOM in Hudson Bay surface waters. Using multiple analytical techniques, this work demonstrated that photochemical and microbial effects were different for light absorbing DOM compounds and ionisable DOM analyzed by Fourier transform-ion cyclotron-resonance-mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS). Based on FT-ICR-MS analysis, microbial processes had a greater impact on the molecular composition of allochthonous DOM originating from riverine sources and estuary whereas photochemical processes were the dominant mechanism for degradation of autochthonous DOM in Hudson Bay. Photochemical processes significantly decreased colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and fluorescence dissolved organic matter (FDOM) loss whereas microbial degradation was minimal in Hudson Bay river, estuary, and coastal waters. The results of this thesis highlight the importance of photochemical and microbial alteration of DOM in Arctic regions, two processes that are expected to be enhanced under climate change conditions.
Author Keywords: Carbon cycle, Field flow fractionation, Microbial transformation, Optical properties, Photochemical degradation
Influence of nitrogen deposition on the vegetation community of Irish oak woodlands
In this study, the influence of N deposition on the vegetation community of semi-natural oak woodlands in Ireland was assessed through national and regional scale analysis of forest plot data. At both scales, Canonical Correspondence Analysis suggested that N deposition was a predictor of community composition, although site-specific soil characteristics were the strongest predictors of the species dataset. Threshold Indicator Taxon Analysis suggested that the vegetation community demonstrated the most change at 13.2 kg N ha-1 yr-1. While this change point falls within the current recommended critical load range for nutrient nitrogen for acidophilous oak dominated woodlands (10 to 15 kg N ha-1 yr-1), it is notable that 23% of species recorded had individual change points below this range, and could potentially be lost from this habitat if deposition increases. The results from this study suggest that, for acidophilous oak woodlands, habitat conservation policies should be unified with N emission reduction policies.
Author Keywords: community composition, critical load, nitrogen depositioin, oak woodland, species richness, Taxon Indicator Threshold Analysis
The effects of environmental variables and dissolved organic matter characteristics on the diffusion coefficient of dissolved organic matter using diffusive gradients in thin films
The efficacy of the diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) passive samplers to provide accurate measurements of free metal ions and those complexed with dissolved organic matter (DOM) was investigated. DOM controls the diffusive properties of DOM-complexed metal species in natural systems. Knowing the diffusion coeiffiecent (D) for DOM of different molecular weights (MW) and the major environmental variables influencing D is critical in developing the use of DGT passive samplers and understanding labile species. D and MW were determined for natural and standard DOM. No noticeable changes in DOM MW were observed during the diffusion process, suggesting that DOM remains intact following diffusion across the diffusive gel. Data analysis revealed that MW had the greatest influence on D, with a negative relationship between D and MW, except in tidal areas where ionic strength influence on D was significant. This study provides further characterization of the variables influencing D using the DGT technique.
Author Keywords: Diffusion coefficient, Diffusive gradients in thin films, Dissolved organic matter, Flow field-flow fractionation, Principal Component Analysis, UV-Vis Spectroscopy
The Sensitivity of Forest Soils to Acidic Deposition Downwind of an Aluminum Smelter, Kitimat, B.C.
Maximum permitted SO2 emissions from an aluminum smelter in Kitimat, B.C., increased after modernization in 2015. An increase in acidic deposition can potentially acidify forest soils. Monitoring was conducted at two long-term soil monitoring plots at near (7 km) and far (41 km) sites downwind from the smelter. Change in soil properties was assessed between 2015 and 2018: for the near plot, there was significant decrease in pH and exchange acidity; far plot soils exhibited significant decrease of base cations and exchange acidity in the 0–5 cm layer only. The average total SO42- deposition at near and far plots were estimated to be between 8.2–12.1 and 6.7–7.4 kg/ha/yr, respectively. It was concluded no soil acidification was detected. Observed changes were attributed to measured differences in organic matter, likely influenced by sampling difficulty and measurement process discrepancies. Estimated SO42- deposition levels pose no risk to soil base cation depletion.
Author Keywords: acid forest soils, acidic deposition, aluminum smelter, exchangeable base cations, long-term monitoring, minimum detectable change