Item Description
The Search For A New Dean Continues... [Illustration] -- This Week's Issue: -- Staff -- Production Meeting -- Calendar -- Classifieds -- T.S.U.: Montreuil Stonewalls Again / R. Barnhart -- Rape: The Most Devastating Crime -- OFS: Bureaucracy vs. Bureaucracy / R. Thomson -- Senate Asked to Vote on New Dean / R. Thomson -- Hayloft Lounge in the Trent Inn [Advertisement] -- Arthur / P. Hurcomb -- Arts at Trent: Not So Fine / B. De Young -- School Kids Sell Pepsi For Credit -- "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf" [Advertisement] -- Camp Wanapitei Temagami [Advertisement] -- Trent Travel Service Inc. [Advertisement] -- Homosexuality: The Merits of Militancy / P. Hannan -- For Gays Still in the Closet / P. Hannan -- Sun Life-Corporations & Quebec / L. Black -- Music Maker Record Shop [Advertisement] -- Sun Life [Cont] -- Counselling and Careers -- 3rd Annual Groundhog Music Festival [Advertisement] -- News Shorts -- Sanders Donates $250,000 to Trent -- Philosophical Congress at Trent -- 3,378,000 Down 122,000 to Go-Second Deca de Fund Nears Goal -- University of Windsor Faculty of Education [Advertisement] -- O.F.S. [Cont] -- Gell Travel Ltd. [Advertisement] -- Coalition for Freedom of Association in Action -- The Pink Triangle -- Labatt's Blue [Advertisement] -- News -- Report on Business / R. Harrison -- Weather -- Impressions -- Sports -- Arthur Free Poster no. 17 [Illustration] -- The History of Rock and Roll: Part One / R. Jackson -- Stanley H. Kaplan Educational Center of Toronto Ltd. [Advertisement] -- Rock 'n Roll [Cont] -- Gays [Cont] -- Racism Operating Against Visa Students -- Queen's University at Kingston [Advertisement] -- Theatre Review: Belle of Amherst / B. Shaw -- Poetry Review: Gerry Gilbert: Reading at Artspace / D. Ward -- Theatre Review: Kennedy's Children / J. Markus -- Notice of Nominations & Elections of Trent Student Union -- Town & Gown -- Letters -- Arthur [Cont] -- Senate [Cont] -- Women's volleyball / G. Scanlon -- Basketball Nats End Season Undefeated / R. MacDonald -- Intramural Hockey Standings -- Moondance [Advertisement] -- [Photograph] --