Item Description
Trent Girls: Bovine Perhaps, Not Disgusting / J. Pepall -- Weeks New Editor -- Birth Control Panel Monday -- Waiters May Go at PRC -- Sports / S. Livingston -- B-B Girls End Losing Streak -- Pucksters Dumped on First Try -- Coombes & Ferguson Sportland [Advertisement] -- Capitol Taxi [Advertisement] -- International Curios [Advertisement] -- Review Printing Co. Ltd. [Advertisement] -- Vanessa [Advertisement] -- Stohn New Champlain VP, TUCC Rep. -- Spencley's [Advertisement] -- The Faculty of Graduate Studies Dalhousie University Invites Applications For The Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarships -- Dear Arthur -- Faulkner: Viet War Must End / T. Lovink -- Film Society Here in '68-'69 -- Trent Festival of the Arts [Advertisement] -- Concert Crowd Thin / D. Barron -- Will You Spread the Good Word? -- Hoot Heats Up / C. Hardess -- Calendar of Events -- Peterboro Credit Jewellers Ltd. [Advertisement] -- Roland's Steak House [Advertisement] -- The Pizza Villa New Grand Hotel [Advertisement] -- PS Parks Studio [Advertisement] -- The Co-Ed Shop [Advertisement] -- CUSO Director Here Tomorrow -- Trent Optical Service [Advertisement] --