Item Description
1/3 Of Constitution Passed / J. Rosenes -- Fund Raising Campaign Opened / M. Macke -- Letters -- The Weekspot -- Centralization, Nichols and External Affairs -- Trent Travel [Advertisement] -- Harry G. Silver Canada's Finest Shoes [Advertisement] -- Biafran Inquest / M. Stephens -- The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution / L. Pepall -- 1/3 Of Constitution Passed [Cont] -- On Catering / T. Fuller -- Kawartha Karpet and Tile [Advertisement] -- Walker's [Advertisement] -- Chex [Advertisement] -- Ontario-Quebec Job Exchange -- "Weekend of the Year" -- UN Speaker -- St. Andrew's Church of the United Church of Canada [Advertisement] -- Wally's [Advertisement] -- Vanessa Fashion Shoes [Advertisement] -- Spencley's [Advertisement] -- Heidi's Hobbyshop [Advertisement] -- Champlain College Cabinet: Champlain Pub? / T. Turner-- Lose One, Win One / W. Kimura -- Quality Jewellers [Advertisement] -- Professors Hint They'll Be Unionized -- University of south Britain [Advertisement] -- Events / D. Lahay -- Chancellor To Open Lady Eaton -- The Gallery [Advertisement] -- CkPt-1420 [Advertisement] -- Barbara's House of Beauty [Advertisement] -- All Office Machines Ltd. [Advertisement] -- The Pizza Villa New Grand Hotel [Advertisement] --