Power, Ian

Investigation of Dynamics of Particulate Transport under Varying Climate Conditions

Creator (cre): Schweighofer, Christopher John, Thesis advisor (ths): McKenna Neuman, Cheryl, Degree committee member (dgc): Power, Ian, Degree committee member (dgc): Aherne, Julian, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

A key knowledge gap in aeolian transport research concerns the adjustment of saltation processes to the extreme conditions found within high-latitude regions. A series of wind tunnel experiments were carried out under full climate control and over a wide range in humidity. Particle entrainment and transport within shearing flows of varied wind speed were monitored over beds of varied temperature, and ice content to determine their affect on 1) particle trajectory, 2) saltation cloud height, 3) particle velocity, 4) surface erosivity, 5) mass transport rate and 6) vertical dust flux. Particles were found to have higher velocities over cold beds than dry beds. With a 3% increase in bed moisture content, a significant increase in particle velocity was measured. Fewer particles are ejected from a bed with moisture than a dry bed. The mass transport rate was measured to be 23% higher at -10 degrees Celsius compared to 30 degrees Celsius.

Author Keywords: Aeolian processes


Short-Term Impacts of Agricultural Land Use Change on Soil Health and Nitrogen Cycling Microbial Communities

Creator (cre): Kularathne, Ridmani Hansika, Thesis advisor (ths): Thompson, Karen, Degree committee member (dgc): Eimers, Catherine, Degree committee member (dgc): Power, Ian, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Glyphosate burndown and tillage, followed by the cultivation of cash crops, are frequently used techniques in LUC from perennial cropping systems (PS) to annual cropping systems (AS). Agricultural LUC can result in the loss of soil nitrogen (N) via emission of nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas (GHG). The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the short-term impacts of agricultural LUC from PS to AS on soil health parameters and the nitrogen (N)-cycling bacterial communities responsible for nitrification and denitrification processes that result in the emission of N2O. The study field site was in Stone Mills, Ontario and comprised of four fields: two annual cropping systems were regularly cultivated for cash crops (AS), and two perennial cropping systems had not been cultivated for cash crops for over 50 years (PS). One PS was left intact while the other PS was subjected to LUC (converted system [CS]) from PS to AS within the study period. The results of this study indicate that PS promotes soil health, as illustrated through higher soil organic matter % (2.3 ± 0.2 %), beta-glucosidase activity (0.41 ± 0.04 mmol g-1 dry soil h-1), and N-acetylglucosaminidase activity (0.18 ± 0.03 mmol g-1 dry soil h-1). The PS soils exhibited higher nitrifier (6.0  0.3 log10 copies per g dry soil) and denitrifier (nirS, nirK and nosZI: 7.8  0.05, 8.1  0.1 and 5.0  0.1 log10 copies per g dry soil, respectively) gene abundances compared to AS (amoA, nirS, nirK and nosZI: 5.7  0.1, 7.7  0.04, 7.9  0.1 and 4.8  0.1 log10 copies per g dry soil, respectively). Moreover, LUC from PS to AS deteriorated soil health parameters and significantly decreased the nosZI/16S rRNA gene ratio, leading to potential N loss through N2O emissions. A laboratory incubation study revealed that the use of N-containing fertilizer in conjunction with easily metabolized C cumulatively resulted in 64.2% increase in N2O and 42.1% increase in CO2 fluxes in AS soils compared to PS soils. The AS soils also produced 69.8% more N2O and 13.4% more CO2 when compared to CS soils. The results suggest that the availability of C and N promote R-strategists, leading to increased production of CO2 and N2O. Additionally, results also suggest that LUC mediates fluxes depending on resource availability. The findings of this research demonstrate the significance of LUC in shaping N-cycling microbial communities and GHG emissions, emphasizing the importance of transitioning towards less intensive management practices to ensure the long-term sustainability of the agri-food system.

Author Keywords: annual, denitrification, greenhouse gas, laboratory incubation, nitrification, perennial