Wilson, Chris

Evaluating Environmental DNA (eDNA) Detection of Invasive Water Soldier (Stratiotes Aloides)

Creator (cre): Marinich, Allison, Thesis advisor (ths): Freeland, Joanna, Thesis advisor (ths): Wilson, Chris, Degree committee member (dgc): Crins, Bill, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

In 2008, the first North American water soldier (Stratiotes aloides) population was discovered in the Trent River, Ontario. Water soldier is an invasive aquatic plant with sharp, serrated leaves that has the potential to spread rapidly through dispersed vegetative fragments. Although it is too late to prevent water soldier establishment in the Trent River, its local distribution remains limited. In this study, environmental DNA (eDNA) was explored as a potential tool for early detection of water soldier. Species-specific markers were designed from chloroplast DNA regions matK and rbcL, and a qPCR assay with rbcL primers yielded the most sensitive detection of water soldier eDNA. Positive detections were obtained from six of 40 sampling locations, of which five were collected in Seymour Lake, an area with large patches of water soldier. As water soldier plants were known to be present at these sites, high eDNA concentrations were expected. The sixth positive detection from Trent Lock 5 (50 km downstream of Lake Seymour) was unexpected as it was obtained at a site with no water soldier sightings. This is one of the first studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of eDNA detection from aquatic plants.

Author Keywords: aquatic plant, eDNA, environmental DNA, invasive species, Stratiotes aloides, water soldier


Temperature effects on the routine metabolic rates of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) eggs, alevin and fry: implications for climate change

Creator (cre): Cook, Catharine Jean, Thesis advisor (ths): Wilson, Chris, Thesis advisor (ths): Burness, Gary, Degree committee member (dgc): Ridgway, Mark, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Early developmental stages of cold-adapted ectotherms such as brook trout

(Salvelinus fontinalis) are at risk of mortality with increasing water temperatures because

of their sensitivity to changes in their environment. I studied the mass and routine

metabolic rate (RMR) of wild-origin brook trout eggs, alevin and young fry reared at

normal (5°C) and elevated (9°C) temperatures for the duration of the study or at

mismatched temperatures. This setup determined if preconditioning acclimation for one

temperature benefits or hinders the organism later in life. Three levels of biological

organization (ancestry, population, family) were studied using Akaike's Information

Criterion (AIC) to identify models that best accounted for variation in the data. Family,

mass and temperature were most important in predicting body mass and mass-adjusted

RMR, although population and ancestral-level differences were also detected at some life

stages. Strong variation in body mass and mass-adjusted RMR among families may

indicate adaptive potential within brook trout populations to respond to increases in water

temperature with climate change.

Author Keywords: Acclimation, AIC, Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), Environmental matching, Routine metabolic rate, Temperature


Hybridization dynamics in cattails (Typha spp.,) in northeastern North America: niche segregation, pollen dispersal, mating patterns, and the importance of local-scale processes

Creator (cre): Pieper, Sara Jean, Thesis advisor (ths): Dorken, Marcel, Thesis advisor (ths): Freeland, Joanna, Degree committee member (dgc): Bowman, Jeff, Degree committee member (dgc): Wilson, Chris, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Interspecific hybridization is an important evolutionary process which can contribute to the invasiveness of species complexes. In this dissertation I used the hybridizing species complex of cattails (Typha spp., Typhaceae) to explore some of the processes that could contribute to hybridization rates. Cattails in northeastern North America comprise the native T. latifolia, the non-native T. angustifolia, and their fertile hybrid, T. × glauca. First, I examined whether these taxa segregate by water depth as habitat segregation may be associated with lower incidence of hybridization. I found that these taxa occupy similar water depths and therefore that habitat segregation by water depth does not promote mating isolation among these taxa. I then compared pollen dispersal patterns between progenitor species as pollen dispersal can also influence rates of hybrid formation. Each progenitor exhibits localized pollen dispersal, and the maternal parent of first generation hybrids captures more conspecific than heterospecific pollen; both of which should lead to reduced hybrid formation. I then conducted controlled crosses using all three Typha taxa to quantify hybrid fertility and to parameterize a fertility model to predict how mating compatibilities should affect the composition of cattail stands. I found that highly asymmetric formation of hybrids and backcrosses and reduced hybrid fertility should favour the maintenance of T. latifolia under certain conditions. Finally, I used a population genetics approach to characterize genetic diversity and structure of Typha in northeastern North America to determine the extent to which broad-scale processes such as gene flow influence site-level processes. I concluded that hybrids are most often created within sites or introduced in small numbers rather than exhibiting broad-scale dispersal. This suggests that local processes are more important drivers of hybrid success than landscape-scale processes which would be expected to limit the spread of the hybrid. Though my findings indicate some barriers to hybridization in these Typha taxa, hybrid cattail dominates much of northeastern North America. My results therefore show that incomplete barriers to hybridization may not be sufficient to prevent the continued dominance of hybrids and that active management of invasive hybrids may be required to limit their spread.

Author Keywords: fertility model, genetic structure, Hybridization, invasive species, niche segregation, pollen dispersal


Mitogenome characterization of the shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) for international trade validation of aquaculture-reared caviar

Creator (cre): Kerr, Emily, Thesis advisor (ths): Wilson, Paul J., Degree committee member (dgc): Wilson, Chris, Degree committee member (dgc): Kyle, Chris, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Identifying the population origin of aquaculture-reared caviar is crucial for both conservation and management strategies of farmed fish but could also facilitate international trade of a CITES regulated product. Shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) is the main source of caviar production in Atlantic Canada, from Breviro Caviar Inc. aquaculture facility. Shortnose sturgeon are also listed as a species-at-risk under the Species At Risk Act. Currently there is no genetic method for delineating wild from aquaculture-reared caviar. By targeting the mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) using novel long-range PCR primers and next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods we have successfully sequenced the full mitogenome of 37 shortnose sturgeon. The purpose of this study was to increase the resolution of diagnostic variation among populations and to validate Canadian aquaculture-reared stock from wild US populations.

Results provided a previously unobserved novel control region haplotype in high frequency within both the aquaculture-reared and Saint John River wild sample sets. Similar frequencies were observed with whole mitogenome haplotypes. Diagnostic mitochondrial lineage found in high frequency within the captive Breviro Caviar Inc. population has the potential to allow caviar product from Breviro Caviar Inc. to be distinguished from protected US shortnose sturgeon populations. The application of full mitogenomic characterization provides the potential to further resolve differences between aquaculture and natural Canadian shortnose sturgeon stocks, US/Canadian populations and to contribute to future conservation strategies. Future research identifying signatures of selection on the mitogenome between captive and wild populations and across latitudinal gradients found within the species range. These novel methods have produced a proof-of-concept to provide a "farm-to-fork" validation and ecobrand of Breviro Caviar Inc. product and its aquaculture origin to support importation into US caviar markets.

Author Keywords: aquaculture, mitogenome, next-generation sequencing, species-at-risk, sturgeon


Elemental Variation in Daphnia: Nutritional, Genetic, and Environmental Factors

Creator (cre): Prater, Clay, Thesis advisor (ths): Frost, Paul C, Degree committee member (dgc): Murray, Dennis, Degree committee member (dgc): Wilson, Chris, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Environmental variation can affect consumer trait expression and alter ecological and evolutionary dynamics in natural populations. However, although dietary nutrient content can vary by an order of magnitude in natural ecosystems, intra-specific differences in consumer responses to food quality have not been thoroughly investigated. Therefore, the purpose of my dissertation was to examine the influence of dietary nutrition and other environmental factors on consumer phenotypic variation using the freshwater cladoceran Daphnia. I conducted a series of complementary laboratory and field studies where I examined the effects of dietary phosphorus (P) content and additional biological/environmental variables (multi-elemental limitation, genetic variation, and temperature) on daphnid life-history, biochemistry, body elemental composition, and population growth. In general, phenotypic expression within a species varied significantly in response to all experimental variables, but the relative influence of each was highly context dependent. In my first chapter, I found that dietary P content and environmental calcium (Ca) concentrations both altered Daphnia body Ca:P ratios and growth rates of individuals and affected intrinsic rates of increase at the population level. However, food quality appeared to have a much larger effect on trait expression, and body Ca:P ratios were highly sensitive to other forms of dietary nutrient limitation. Next, I documented significant quantitative genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity in daphnid P content, growth, and P use efficiency of field collected animals grown across dietary P gradients. Trait expression was also influenced by genotype X diet interactions suggesting that consumer responses to dietary nutrient limitation can be heritable and may be adaptive in different nutrient environments. Finally, I found that temperature appeared to override food quality effects and decouple P metabolism in natural Daphnia populations, but total biomass production was affected by both dietary P content and temperature, depending on the nutrient content of the lake. Overall, my dissertation shows that consumer responses to nutrient limitation can vary significantly within a species and that changes in trait expression may be modified by other environmental variables. These results should be incorporated into existing stoichiometric models and used to investigate the eco-evolutionary consequences of consumer phenotypic variation in response to nutritional stress.

Author Keywords: ecological stoichiometry, evolution, life-history, nutrient limitation, nutrient metabolism, zooplankton


Mail order industry: market analysis


This project required an in depth analysis of the Mail Order industry. The premise of this paper was to give COIN detailed insight into the scope, contribution, and growth of the mail order industry.