Item Description
Darlene James of Under Attack [Photograph] -- Kawartha Cup Din no Sweet Music for Council / M. Kronick -- Canada Stand High on U.S. Control -- Fascist Freedom of Speech? / M. Kronick -- End of World Grave Possibility -- Under Attack at Trent -- Mass Meeting [Advertisement] -- Jesse Stoner: Should This Man Speak Here? -- Within the Realm of the Possible / S. Disher -- T.S.U. Position: Supports R.M.G. -- A Liberal Speaks: Everyone's Rights / J. Sutton -- ...And Now a Word From the Program / D. James -- R.M.G. Position: No Democratic Rights for Fascists -- Anarchism... And What It Isn't -- Bookchin: Eco-Anarchist at Trent -- RMG Forum on Energy -- O.F.S. Comes to Trent -- Temporary Leave -- Help Wanted for "Lay Out" [Advertisement] -- Arts & Reviews -- Dylan Reaffirms Control Over Rock / D. Lee -- Rutherford at Gallery: Thematically Imaginative and Graphically Pleasing / H. Nolin -- Bored With Books, Try Batik For the Pause That Refreshes -- Dylan [Cont] -- American Graffiti: A Fictional Microplot with Lots of Sexism / T. Schrecker -- Letters -- Chile Group Needs Support -- The Athletic Building: Clarifications -- N.B. 4th Year Students -- Boobs? -- Says Harrison: Field Fiery but Confused? ... -- Mediation: Hoax or Physiological Salve? / G. Fisher -- Biodegradable? -- Peterborough Delicatessen [Advertisement] -- Leather Lair [Advertisement] -- Sweetman Benefit: A Good Time Had! -- Arthur Needs a Typist [Advertisement] -- Tampax [Advertisement] -- Heidelberg [Advertisement] -- Let Them Have It? -- Soc Course Union at Guelph -- Grad Photos -- Margaret Laurence [Advertisement] -- The Christian Brothers [Advertisement] -- Labatt's 50 [Advertisement] -- Sports -- Pete's Game Anticlimax to World Championships / K. Inwood -- Coliseum & Gladiators 1973 -- Heidelberg [Advertisement] -- Coombes & Ferguson Sportland Ltd. [Advertisement] -- Health Food Store [Advertisement] -- Nats Hold on For 6-4 Win / A. Prendergast -- The Professional Management Accountant [Advertisement] -- Trent Lead Blown / J. Chapman -- Manischewitz [Advertisement] -- Sports Briefs -- Pete's Win Bronze Medal in U.S.S.R. / J. Cotton -- Sports Calendar -- Sports Results -- Quebec Winter Carnival [Advertisement] -- Spencley Flowers [Advertisement] -- Nice Feeling Cadle & Card Boutique [Advertisement] -- Political Gymnasium -- Health Service Corner: Take Good Care of Yourself... -- Bon Temps is Coming [Advertisement] -- Teaching as a Career [Advertisement] -- Public Lecture and Quiet Session [Advertisement] -- Trentevents -- Unclassified --