Popham, Elizabeth

Non-compliance" in the system: Bitch Planet's satirical representations of race and gender constructs "

Creator (cre): Pfeiffer, Elisabeth Rose, Thesis advisor (ths): Popham, Elizabeth, Degree committee member (dgc): Baetz, Joel, Degree committee member (dgc): Eddy, Charmaine, Degree committee member (dgc): Bailey, Suzanne, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This thesis examines how co-creators Kelly Sue DeConnick and Valentine De Landro's 2014 graphic work, Bitch Planet, is in all conceivable ways a seminal and prescient example of — to use their term — "non-compliance" in the comics form and industry. From its inception as a feminist dystopia, written by a white woman and illustrated by a Black man, in an industry that is over-represented by white men, Bitch Planet is a prime example of activist comics that is situated perfectly within the "Blue Age" of comics, to use the term coined by comic scholar Adrienne Resha. This is evident in the main narrative of Bitch Planet in which, in an industry still over-represented by white characters, the main cast of characters are four Black women and one Japanese-American woman, each of whom we see come up against a theologically patriarchal white supremacist system that imprisons them for crimes that are gendered, racialized, classist and ableist. DeConnick and De Landro's collaboration with other artists extends from Laurenn McCubbin's satirical paratextual in-universe advertisements on the back page of each comic which complement Bitch Planet's main narrative to an invitation to world- building to the greater comic community, allowing creators with marginalized identities to craft short comic stories that satirically and deeply explore the socio-political issues developed in the main narrative of Bitch Planet. The final act of "non-compliance" comes out of the expansion of authorship of Bitch Planet to the readership via the letters pages, and beyond: highlighting readers' Twitter messages, connecting with them through Tumblr, and posting pictures of fan "non-compliant" tattoos within the pages of Bitch Planet.

Author Keywords: Bitch Planet, comics, critical race studies, dystopia , gender studies, intersectional feminism


Women as Gifts and the Triple Hecate Myth in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida, Antony and Cleopatra, and Cymbeline

Creator (cre): Ramsay, Elizabeth, Thesis advisor (ths): Popham, Elizabeth, Degree committee member (dgc): Bode, Rita, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University


Women as Gifts and the Triple Hecate Myth in Shakespeare's

Troilus and Cressida, Antony and Cleopatra, and Cymbeline

Women are placed into sexual roles by the patriarchal system in which we live. Gayle Rubin terms this a "sex/gender system" and explains that within this system women are exchanged as "gifts" between men to form kinship ties. The sexual roles this system creates are embodied in the "Triple Hecate myth." Hecate was the goddess of witchcraft in Ancient Greece and was known to have three faces: Maiden, Nymph and Crone. The Maiden is in girlhood and the label is applied to any woman before she becomes sexually active. The Nymph is a sexually active woman who lives within the norms of society. A sexually active woman who lives outside those norms is a Whore. A Crone is a woman who has passed menopause. She is seen as either a wise elder or a wicked stepmother figure.

In Shakespeare's plays Troilus and Cressida, Antony and Cleopatra, and Cymbeline, the female protagonists Cleopatra, Imogen and Cressida are all trying to control their own destinies and rise above or manipulate this patriarchal system of control. These three women are travelling through the "Triple Hecate Myth." Cleopatra begins a Whore and ends a Nymph, Imogen begins a Maiden and ends a Nymph, and Cressida begins a Maiden and ends a Whore. They each also problematize the "gift" exchange system either by attempting to self-exchange (Cleopatra and Imogen) or by being exchanged multiple times (Cressida).

Keywords: William Shakespeare, Triple Hecate Myth, Gift Exchange, Gayle Rubin, Cymbeline, Troilus and Cressida, Antony and Cleopatra, Feminist Criticism, Classical Studies

Author Keywords: Antony and Cleopatra, Cymbeline, Gayle Rubin, Shakespeare, Triple Hecate, Troilus and Cressida


The Student's Bell Tower: The Legacy of the University of Regina's The Carillon in the Digital Age

Thesis advisor (ths): Popham, Elizabeth, Degree committee member (dgc): Epp, Michael, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

The university newspaper is a vital aspect of the university public, as it provides a platform for students to voice their opinions on topics pertaining to the culture of their university and gives students critical information about what is happening on campus. This thesis uses the University of Regina's The Carillon as a case study to evaluate how university newspapers interact with and influence their publics. In Chapter One, I detail the history of The Carillon, and how the radical atmosphere of the 1960s influenced the newspaper's growth. In Chapter Two, I explore how The Carillon uses facets of digitality—such as their website, multimedia, and social media—to increase its readership. The chapter examines how these digital platforms reach The Carillon's publics more efficiently, but still adhere to the traditions established by the newspaper from its inception. Finally, in Chapter Three, I assess the success of university newspapers which have transitioned to a strictly digital presence. For this assessment, I use the University of Alberta's The Gateway and the University of Prince Edward Island's The Cadre as case studies, and argue that The Carillon can learn from these digital newspapers to become more effective in using digital media to reach its student public. Altogether, this study of university newspapers offers a guide on how to maintain a balance between materiality and digitality, while also preserving the university newspaper's legacy and traditions.

Author Keywords: Digitality, Journalism, Materiality, Publics, The Carillon, University Newspapers


Robert Bringhurst and Polyphonic Poetry: Literature as Participation in Being

Creator (cre): Cecchin, Scott Richard, Thesis advisor (ths): Steffler, Margaret, Degree committee member (dgc): Popham, Elizabeth, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Robert Bringhurst states that polyphonic art is a faithful, artistic reflection of the multiplicity of the world's ecosystems. This ecocritical perspective recognizes that human art informs our understandings of the world, and therefore artists have a moral obligation towards that world. In Chapter One I argue that mimesis should be reclaimed as a useful literary category since all art, regardless of intentions, has an effect on both culture and the natural world. In Chapter Two I argue that by reconnecting publishing craft and philosophy, our books can serve to bring us more in tune with the structures of the natural world. I conclude in Chapter Three by asking how a counterpublic consciousness can be cultivated, and how Bringhurst's mission of transforming culture might be fully realized. Altogether, this view of literature offers an antidote to Western culture's destructive tendencies towards the natural world.

Author Keywords: Bringhurst, ecocriticism, mimesis, poetry, polyphony, typography